Chapter 20

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I look up at Niall and smile. I was still holding Alexandra and I had to feed her so I quickly give her some milk and walk back into the living room.

" We're screwed," I say as I put down Alexandra in a mobile crib. 

" No, we're not. I don't care what the reporters say about us," Niall says. I sit down next to him and softly pull the crib next to me. I cup my face in my hands and start to think about what the reporters would say about my family. 

" Niall, I'm so sor..." I start to say but Niall cuts me off

" Vanessa, I told you already. Don't worry about it," Niall says and kisses my cheek. I smile and nod, Alexandra wouldn't fall asleep so Liam tried to make her tired. The phone rang and Niall stood up and picked up the phone. I looked over to him but he walked into another room. I was worried now but Jillian sat next to me and held my hand. I was so stressed right now. My phone buzzes and I quickly take it out with my free hand. I see some twitter updates with a million comments. I whisper as I read one.

" How could you do this to my Niall... You little bitch, why would you do this to my Nialler... I'm going to hunt you down and k..." I start to say on the verge of tears. 

" That's enough Vanessa," Jillian says and throws my phone over to Zayn. Zayn put it in a drawer next to him. I knew this was going to happen. I couldn't stop thinking about the last comment. Somebody would hunt me down and kill me? I had no idea that hate mail could be that hurtful. Niall walks in and I was already crying. I didn't want him to see my like this so I walk out of the flat and sit down on the steps. 

" Vanessa, what are you doing?" It wasn't Niall but I turn around anyway

" Sean, just leave me alone," I say and turn back around. I don't know if he knew I was a mother but I decide not to tell him. 

" I know you were pregnant," Sean says and sits next to me, " It's like yesterday we were laying here sobbing," Sean says. That didn't make me feel any better. 

" Some how this isn't helping," I say sarcastically and he smiles, " Why are you being so smily?" I ask and he points behind me. I turn my head slightly and see a banner being held up by two trees. Niall was standing beneath it. I pay more attention to the banner and walk closer to it. 

" Will... you... marry me?" I say out loud and I look down at Niall who was down in one knee. " Niall... I... YES!" I say and run into his arms. He smiled and hugged me tight. 

" She said yes!" Niall yells and he jumps into the air. I laugh and he takes something out of his pocket. He slips it onto my ring finger and I gasp. 

" Niall... That is really expensive!" I say but he holds my hand stopping me from taking it off. The ring was absolutely gorgeous and I couldn't believe that Niall just proposed to me. I wasn't thinking of all the hate mail I've received but all the love I was getting from Niall. I kiss him for a while and then Sean interrupts us,

" STOP! YOUR GOING TO SWALLOW EACH OTHER!" Sean yells and throws his arms in the air.

" Well, I'm sure you were happy when you got engaged," I say and laugh. I lock lips with him one last time before I was dragged back inside the flat by Jillian. 

" Let go," I kick and scream as she stops in front of Liam who was holding crying Alexandra.

" Make her be quiet!" Jillian pouted and I rolled my eyes and sat next to Liam. He hands me her carefully and I rock her in my arms. Niall walks in with a piece of paper. Niall was in tears, what had happened between those ten minutes I had left him outside?

" Niall?" I ask him but he shakes his head.

" It's nothing... really, I just need some time alone," Niall says wiping his tears. He walks into our room and shuts the door behind him. I look over to Liam and he shrugs his shoulders and puts his arm around me and give me a squeeze before standing up and walking over to the kitchen. Alexandra was no longer crying but she was probably tires. I put her down for a nap and have Jillian watch her while I checked on Niall. I walk over to the door and put my ear against it. 

" Mom... I know your not happy about me being a father at nineteen," I hear a muffled voice say in between tears. " Mom, I have to go, bye," Niall mumbles and hangs up. I quickly hide in another room when he walks out of the room and I walk out of it casually. 

" You okay Nialler?" I ask him. I guess I'm going to have Nialler is going to be his new nickname.

" UH... My mom wants to meet you," Niall says and brushes the hair of my cheek. 

" Sure... should I be worried?" I ask and rub my arm. He looks up at me and laughs.

" My mom is really nice, and don't worry I'll be with you," Niall says but I shake my head.

" I want to treat your mum to dinner," I say and Niall looks at me like I was crazy.

" Okay, I'll call her before she leaves tomorrow," Niall replies 

" Great tell her to meet me at the Japanese restaurant at five o'clock," I say and kiss him and he smiles. Our lips molded perfectly but they broke apart when Alexandra started crying.

" I'm coming," I say and walk back to Alexandra's crib. I bend down and pick up Alexandra. I rock her in my arms and she stops crying. Niall walks over and takes Alexandra from me.

" Your tired, go take a nap," Niall says and kisses my forehead as I leave. I thank him and walk over to my room. I lay down and put my head under a pillow. I wanted to fall asleep for days and not wake up. I was tired and Niall was probably not going to be here full time next week. I fall asleep in a peaceful trance of dreams and enjoy the moments I had to myself.


Alexandra fell asleep and I place her carefully in her crib and grab a water bottle from the fridge. 

" Niall's a dad," Liam says and shakes my shoulder, " and I thought I was daddy direction," Liam says and laughs. I smile at Alexandra and take my phone out. There were just a bunch of comments about me and Vanessa on my twitter but I don't bother to read them. Vanessa walks back out from the room and hugs me.

" Are you okay?" I ask Vanessa and she nods. 

" I need some company," Vanessa says and I laugh. I smell her breath and smile. 

" Did you have beer before you went to bed?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

" I just had a glass of water that was in our room," Vanessa says and I hold her so she wouldn't fall.

" I don't think that was water," I say but she pulls me into our room. She lays down on the bed and motions me to lay down next to her. It was funny seeing her like this and I'm guessing she's never been drunk or had a beer.

" I'm tired," Vanessa yawns and falls asleep. I lay down next to her and I hug her. I was sure I wasn't going to do anything stupid and get her pregnant again so I decided to just hug her and fall asleep. I was happy I had at least one last moment before I had to leave for a week. I don't know how I was going to break it to Vanessa but I decide to ignore it and fall asleep next to my fiancée. 

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