Chapter 5

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Tears were now pouring out as Sean was stroking my hair. My first real relationship was just a fake and another boy who actually liked me for who I was and I let him go. I'm such a dumb ass. I think I've had enough drama for today so I decide to hug Sean and head upstairs. His reaction was priceless when I went from crying to skipping upstairs.I wasn't happy, but I didn't want Sean to think that. I walk into the door that was wide open. I run to my bed and let myself fall on top of it. The cold blankets tickled my warm skin and the fluffy pillows had dents in them from when I put my legs on top of them. The sun was shining on my face, but I didn't want any light right now so I stand up and close the blinds. My room was  really dark and I almost couldn't find my way to my bed. I trip on what seems to be a shoe and fall on to my bed. I didn't bother to fix my position so I just lay there and fall asleep.

I laid on the bed as I opened my eyes slowly. I was still in the navy blue t-shirt I had put on two days ago. I smelled the shirt and made a disgusted look on my face when the horrid smell went up my nose. I quickly took of the shirt and threw it across the room. I stand up and look into my closet where I find a grey v-neck t-shirt, a pair of white shorts, a scarf, and some black sandals. I quickly slip on the clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I grab some earrings and slip the hooks into my ear. I see the sunglasses that are put on a mannequin's head. I check myself in the mirror one more time and walk out the door, I rush down the large staircase and see Sean watching T.V. I grab the brown purse that was on the couch and head out giving Sean a kiss on the cheek and head out in the outdoors. I take a smell of the fresh air and walk over to silver convertible that was parked in the drive-way. It's Sean's but I always take it without asking so it doesn't matter. I open the convertible's car door and hop in. I wanted to start all over again. I wanted to see Niall. The boys were my only hope of real happiness right now. I take out my phone and find Louis's number. The picture of Louis was so silly and it made me laugh when I saw it. I quickly press the highlighted number and put the phone up to my ear. I hear the dial tone and wait for Louis to answer. After a while I hear Louis's voice,

" Hello, this is Louis Tomlinson, can I help you?" His voice made me smile again

" This is Vanessa, I would like to come for an appointment," I say and giggle into the phone. I could finally joke around after everything that had happened.

" Let's see we have an opening, NOW!" Louis blurted into the phone which made me wince.

" I'll be there right away!" I yell and hang-up. I buckle my seatbelt and start the car. I pull out of the driveway and head down to the boys flat. I let my hair flow in the wind and I wanted to get a bit wild. I turn the volume up a little and started singing Starships. 

I get to the boys flat which has a few cars parked in it. I wonder who's they were, but I'm starting to realize who they were. I jump out the car and run up to the door. I knock very hard on the door and tap my foot as I wait for a response. The charming Harry opened the door and gave me a long hug. I finally pull away when he tickles my side. 

" So who's here?" I ask as I look into Harry's eyes.

" Oh, it's our family," Harry said and showed me into the flat. I knew my way in there but I decided to go along with it anyways. The boys were standing at the end of the hall with big fat smiles across their faces. 

" Family?" I ask looking at Harry

" Yeah, the lads are family!," Harry said looking down at me. I glance over to the boys who were now closer to me. I step back but run into Harry. I'm kind of scared now. Liam carried me on his back into the door they were standing in front of. I've never seen this door before, so I better prepare myself for the worst. 

It was dark and I could barely see a thing. I was seated in a spinning chair, while I think I was being tied with rope. Finally the lights came on and I was surprised. It was a huge room with balloons and streamers hanging everywhere.

One Thing. One Love. One Direction. ( Niall Horan Fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ