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If you knew, each new day is an opportunity to write a new story; a blank page to start over and begin writing a new chapter. You have pages to fill with your own words. You have sentences to live by and characters to support your story.

So given the story you written was it suppose to be over.


Your story was suppose to go somewhere, take readers somewhere and suppose to mean something. So what was with the ending you questioned and why your body moved to force you to put an end to your story.

Again, the simplest reason. To start over.

"Start over", in this context, is used to cover all domains of life. One may choose to start over in a career, a relationship, or in your case- your entire life.

There may be as many different reasons for embarking on a new beginning as there are people who decide upon it. But the common emotion that strings through them all is that intense desire for another chance at a clean slate; another chance to do things "right" – whatever "right" may mean to each.

Reaching this decision was not a passive, peaceful process. You don't wake up one day and say to yourself: "I would like to leave everything behind... and see if I can find or make something better." Rather you are led, or perhaps shoved, to face this juncture by an upheaval, an abrupt force of life. This force may take the form of circumstances you have no control over, or it may take the form of an inner hard-to-define turmoil. It may take a moment's notice, or it may require years and decades to reach its peak. You don't decide to start over in the midst of languid contentment; you choose this as a response to a revolution, or to bring about one.

Whatever it is that led you here, one thing is certain: It must be your decision. You must own it. You must take responsibility for it. To do otherwise is to relinquish blame, as well as power, over your choices and the outcome of your entire life. To do otherwise is to be stuck in limbo – where you can see the dividing line in front of you but fail to gather courage to cross over. Because that is what it is: a dividing line between your old and new self, your old and new life.

It was your burning desire

So rise.

You slowly lifted your body upwards, unsteady with your balance. As the weariness left you, you blinked a few times, as memories flooded your mind. You were impaled by multiple spikes that Chisaki made in order to protect Izuku Midoriya.

You looked down and noticed that you were surrounded by a pile of ashes.

You tried to straighten your back and stretch your limbs, feeling a little sore from the many hours you had spent in that bent and crouched position. And then for the first time you raised your face and took in your surroundings. To your great surprise, you were in the middle of the highway.

Everything around you was scorched.

Flames licked every inch of the highway. The white wisps rise from the top of the ambulance truck like the fumes that give away a secret smoker.

You turned your attention back to yourself, taking note of the soot and dust on your bare skin and hair.

"What the...How is this possible?" Someone asked.

You turned around looking at the the person. His brain looked as if it had stutter for a moment and his eyes were taking in more light than It probably was expected, every part of him goes on pause while his thoughts were catching up to the situation before him.

After y'all it was rare to see when your curse would kick in and when your life would begin anew.

Dreams can become reality--Izuku Midoriya X Reader--Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now