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Soon enough, everyone from class 1-A gathered around the main room of the dorms.

"Isn't it amazing Deku!?" Uraraka cheered, getting in Izuku's face. At that moment he was able to only stammer out a response with his face blushing a deep shade of red. Maybe it was out of embarrassment or maybe he had a crush. If it was the second option, it led you to wonder then why does he make it his mission to try and annoy you...not that you should care.

"It's kind of surprising, huh?" Kaminari commented.

"No, not really," Kirishima disagreed, placing his hands behind his head.

"Yeah, I mean, the sports festival was broadcasted all across Japan on TV," Ojiro stated.

"We have to look super cute in case they want to take our picture," Hagakure said, jumping up and down excitedly with Mina agreeing with her.

Yet, you were right there leaning against the pillar while looking up at the ceiling remembering this morning recollection which was often the case. You wonder what could have happened different and if it did would you have been in the predicament you were in. You would have been entered into a proper school rather than be trapped in that orphanage.

"Was this what I was..." you thought to yourself, "What did Mirio see in me that I can't see in myself..."

"That's enough," Aizawa snapped, interrupting the joyful chatter. The class froze and went quiet.

"Yes sir," everyone besides yourself said in the class.

"It's nothing too exciting. The article is about how you're settling in and getting used to the dorms. Principal Nezu thought it was a good idea. It'll show your parents and guardians how you're doing and how you're happy here."

You weren't really listening but more lost in your own thoughts.

"Also, Y/N I expect you to be on your best behavior," Aizawa added while glancing towards you with his quirk activated.

For someone who was on edge, he was really on edge and it caused you to chuckle internally but on the outside, you just gave him a blank stare and tsked as a response.

"I will never understand how she gets away with talking back to Aizawa and yet when we act out, he uses his capture weapon," Mineta whined, "But then again she is hot."

Once Aizawa deactivated his quirk, Mineta's body went flying across the room and against the wall and soon fell down once you released your quirk from him.

"Prick," you said as you went back towards your thoughts.

"I expect you all to be on your best behavior today," Aizawa emphasized once again.

"Don't worry about my account, Mr. Aizawa," a voice said. A tall, lanky gentleman walked in. He had unruly black wavy hair that hangs on one side of his face and short sideburns on both sides and round glasses. "I wanna get a feel for what dorm life is really like, so there's no need for them to act any differently than normal."

"I didn't say you could come in yet," Aizawa grunted.

The journalist smiled and pointed to his watch. "I was told I had from 8 AM to 6 PM. So, unless my watch is wrong."

"Hello everyone, my name is Taneo Tokuda. I'm looking forward to learning all about you all." The journalist bowed. The students did the same. "Now, as I said, you don't need to do anything differently. Just go about your day as you normally would. The camera will do all the work. I might ask an occasional question or two. And I hope you'll answer." Tokuda flashed a smile.

Mina gasped, smiling widely. "He's got such a nice smile!" She gushed.

You turned your attention to him and got everything you need to know about this guy. With great celerity, you got off the ledge and went to walk off towards the cafeteria.

"I didn't say you can leave, Y/N." Aizawa grunted.

"That would be the day I ever listen to you," Y/N replied while closing the door behind you.

"Besides, that guys quirk is going to be the death of me and seeing that he is agenda happens to be the guy that hold a huge interest in being friends with me, I might as well avoid him as well.

I quickly went towards the room and grab a simple breakfast. The aroma of croissants, toast, hash browns and all the other confectionaries you could possibly imagine, it was delight. Yet you knew you could indulge so you grabbed an apple and yogurt and quickly exited the room.

Right before all of Class 1-A and the journalist was about to enter to get their usual breakfast.

"Y/N you shouldn't be leaving so quickly when we have a guest here!" Iida commaned, "You should be having breakfast with us."

"Not interested," you simply replied while walking off.

"Oooh, now that is someone who caught my interest," the photographer thought.

"Fuck" you thought after reading his, "It would probably be best to stay in my room until he had to leave."

"Since you are leaving first, would it be possible to interview with you first," the photographer asked.

"I will have to politely decline," you responsed while turning the corner as headed towards your room while passing Aizawa yellow cocoon on the way.

"I don't know why you are shutting everyone out, but you need to learn to socalize with your classmates."

"I can give a damn about this school." you replied back while stepping over him and walkiing off, "Besides I hate cameras."

Besides...."Photography is the story I fail to put into words...words that cannot be spoken at this moment...or ever."

Dreams can become reality--Izuku Midoriya X Reader--Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now