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"We live in forsaken world where inequality lies, I would never want to bring a child into it," you answered as you turned towards Tokuda and stared at him to see that oh so shocked expression on his face.

"Hopefully future heroes like yourself would bring about a level of equality among society." Tokuda said while turning his direction from yourself towards the sky, "there needs to be a future where peace can be obtained and I think both yourself and Midoriya are the future hope."

"Tsk, you should change your style of thinking," you replied getting up from your seated position and walking about towards the dormitory away from him, "Your time will be up in 15 minutes, I believe you should focus on getting a more worth story from someone else rather than waste your time on me."

"But it has been a pleasure speaking with you," Tokuda exclaimed, "from your perspective, you surely have been through a lot."

"More than you have ever imagined..." you thought to yourself.

You simply ignored him and walked into the dorms passing the students that you were supposed to make friends with.

"Man...why is she so cold?" Kaminari muttered to the rest of his class as some of them shrugged there shoulders.

"M-maybe s-s-she j-just s-s-hy," Koda responded.

"Far from it!" Sero said, "you all saw how she speaks to Aizawa-sensei like they are equals. I thought Bakugo was rude but she makes him look nice."

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!" Bakugo yelled.

"Right," Yaoyorozu said, "Rude! She shouldn't even been in this class if she is going to act this way."

"Pathetic," you simply said while walking past them, "Instead of training, you only sit around and gossip."

"Now (Y/N), as class representative, I have you to know that is no way to be talking to your peers!" Iida yelled out, "You should be engaging with your fellow peers and eat with all of us."

"Peers...engaging and eating with everyone...rich," was all you said as you walked back to your room. You quickly walked inside your room and closed the door swiftly and locked it.

"Being here was taking way longer than anticipated," you thought to yourself, "I need to get out of here...who was I kidding, I wasn't cut out for this hero stuff."

You quickly took off your clothes and stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. Your mind was in shreds; you would never get that picture out of your mind. I turned the dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening your hair and trickled down your back. Your eyes fell closed over and over, each time showing you the images like photographs ...images of the past that had infiltrated your mind.

"Quirkless, worthless, you should die!"

Hot, sticky liquid slowly streamed over your side and your head and your fingers and everything was red while you backed away from the the person before you with tears streaming down your face.

You blinked and your mind showed a different memory

Fire irrupted from under his eyes, then across the entirety of his body. The firey boy grunted, panic bubbling up like water rising in a boiling pot. The fire wouldn't go out. It wouldn't. It tore his clothes, slowly eating up at his flesh.

After your shower was finished and you had slumped into bed, you lay there, reliving the moment over and over...of your mother being killed and you killing those innocent heroes and officers out of reacting.

"I can never be a hero," you thought to yourself, "I have killed heroes...so how can I be considered one."

You rose from your bed contemplating on why you were even here in the first place. Mirio was the one who recommended you so that I could learn to socalize and yet you didn't even like be here because of the people. Clenching your fists, you looked back at a small picture frame again before standing up and starting intensely at it.

"Maybe I should do what I want to do," you thought, "And not wait until something happens."

Eyes narrowed, you quickly walked over to your closet before pushing it open. Shirts, pants, and shoes all laid untouched and neatly folded. You then pulled out something that was a momento given to you but you kept hidden for so long.

You stared at them before opening the case and carefully lifting a small pair of scissors. You looked at your opaque reflection in the smooth stainless steel blade for a long moment before taking a deep breath and lifting it, chopping your hair off just below the nape of your neck, strands of pink hair falling down to the ground.

You tucked the sword back into its sheath, put on clothes that were more comfortable, grabbed some items from it and packed them in.

Closing the door quietly,you looked out of your small window and noticed that the lights were out. Meaning the curfew was in place and also meant they were all asleep.

All the bright airiness of the day fades, darkness falls over it like a velvet blanket and all that's left is the low emergency lighting that throws long green beams across the polished floors of the hallway.

As you moved along the hallway and downstairs you heard something. You heard voices. Perhaps the boys were still up. You listened intently while leaning again the wall.

"What is her deal man?" Kaminari asked.

"Right," Minoru agreeded, "She is super hot but she is ice cold,"

"Like I said, she makes you look nice Bakugo,"

"Like hell," Bakugo answered, "But she is so emo, surpised her hair is the color it is."

"How are you friends with her Izuku?" Eijiro asked, "Maybe you can help us understand her?"

"Yes," Iida agreed, "maybe there is something you can tell us about her."

"I-I'm not sure," Izuku said, "Mirio told me about her and said that even though she is super cold she is actually very caring and asked me to continue to pursue a friendship-"

"And there was the truth" you thought while holding your chest and turning your head away from the door, "He didn't want to be my friend genuinely, he wanted to respect his friendship for Mirio and try to be friends with me...boy was I a fool for thinking that."

You quickly walked down the hall and towards the foyer of the building. You walked up slowly towards the doors towards freedom. Aizawa was able to get to you through Mirio but this time, you were getting off the grid and further concocting a detailed plan to fabricate your whereabouts.

You took out the phone that Aizawa got you and placed it on the small table near the door. Swapping out of the house slippers into some comfortable combat boots, you looked back at empty foyer where everyone usually gather and hangout.

"Spaces like these are for people who had bonds and enjoy each other. These people, this class, they were close to one another and had their own bonds already forged, I couldn't fit in with them." You thought while lowering your head and letting a bit of tears fall from your eyes. "So me leaving wouldn't make a difference."

Opening the door, feeling the cool night breeze flow in causing you to close your eyes in the comfort of the night air.

Nighttime was the best time. It was when the scorching heat surrendered to the onshore breeze and we could be outside without need to cover every inch of your skin. And like a film noir curtain, it was the perfect cloak to hide in.

"So long for my plan...but I think this would be the best thing to do."

Taking a step outside of dorm and turning around to close the door, the last glimpse you caught was that of boys walking off to their individual rooms and of Izuku Midoriya turning his direction to you, getting a glimpse of your eyes before the door shut.

Dreams can become reality--Izuku Midoriya X Reader--Boku No Hero AcademiaWhere stories live. Discover now