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7.30 am

  Monday, the best day of the week. (note sarcasm) Why does it have to be november already? It's the third week of the month and that means that i'm dead. This month is the worse of the first semester, because is the last month before christmas break and the exams month. So, what does that mean? A lof of assignments and projects due at the same time and bye to my good sleep schedule.

  I get out of the warm apartment and start my morning run, at least i have these 30 minutes to relax and empty my mind. The worse part is that time flies and soon i'm back at my door and now i'm getting out of the shower to get ready to another tiring day.

  A small bip echoes through the gloomy room and i pick the device.

Text- Sky :)

Sky: Good morning sleepyhead! Study and movie night today?

me: Good morning girl! That's good for me. What time?

Sky: Uhm, 6pm? What time are you off work?

me: Today i get out at 5pm but i'll probably grab coffee with Ashton, so 6pm is good.

Sky: Coffee, uhm? Okay, then, 6pm at your house. Now i have to go because i have class at 9! See you later :)

me: Yes, coffee! Don't get late! See you later :)

  I look at the time and my eyes widen, 8.57am, i have to hurry because, otherwise, i'll be the one arriving late to class. My morning and regular search for clothes in my messy wardrobe starts, i urgently need to clean and organize this!

  I choose a white turtleneck knitted sweater, a leather skirt, a pair of warm pantyhose and my black high heel boots.

  I choose a white turtleneck knitted sweater, a leather skirt, a pair of warm pantyhose and my black high heel boots

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  I straighten my hair, do a simple makeup and i'm out of my room. Quickly preparing a bowl with muesli and dark chocolate and pouring a glass of grape juice, i eat and check if i have everything i need for today's classes.

  After brushing me teeth, i leave food and water for Snow and head to college. Arriving there, i notice that i still have 5 minutes until the lecture so i slow down and climb up the stairs for the auditorium.

  "Good morning Athena!" i hear Luke's voice as soon as i enter the class. I look to my right and the tall, blond boy stands there smiling.

  "Good morning Luke! How's everything?" i greet back and we keep talking about the assignments we have to deliver and about Mike's party on saturday, taking a seat in the front and waiting for the lecture to start.

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