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  Starving. That's how i am right now.

  I close the door behind me and call an uber so i can get back home and take a well deserved shower.

  I put down the cat box where my poor baby has been trapped for way too long, and open it so she can have her freedom again.

  I make my way too my room, where i settle my stuff and pick my pajamas. Shower here i come!

  After taking my clothes off, i open the already foggy glass (a/n: "glass? gloss? i don't know who i am" - hemmings, luke 2018 (sorry i watched too many crack 5sos videos today hahah) door and step in feeling the hot water relaxing my tense muscles.

  I close my eyes and, for a brief second, my thoughts wander to those hazel eyes. I immediately feel a shiver down my spine, remembering how he stared back at me and how the atmosphere intensified. I've never felt anything like this.

  I get out of my thoughts when i feel my already wrinkled fingers brush my arms. I've been thinking about that guy for so long that i haven't had my shower yet but my fingers are accusing how long i've been here.

  'uhm does someone has a crush? thinking that long about a boy that just not even met today' - how lovely of you to give your opinion subconscious, but no i don't have a crush besides, a gorgeous guy, like that red dyed hair one, never would even look at me that way. Nah that's impossible to happen.

  I finish my shower and dress up leaving the bathroom then.

  I'm still starving. I don't know how i handled that much time on the shower without passing out but let's be glad that i didn't.

  After making a huge plate of pasta carbonara (i said i was starving), i sink into my best friend aka my couch, and turn the tv on. News, meh. Cooking show, if there's nothing better. Some movie that is too much on movie channels, no thank you (i think i've seen this one at least 4 times). A police serie, you bet i'm watching this.

  Yeah, i love my police series, don't judge me! They're amazing!

  After a good hour of pure relaxation, i get up and start doing the assignments that my professors have given me throughout these three days. It's a lot but at least it's something that i love.

  I'm exhausted! And it already is 11.30 pm! You are probably thinking, she is such a grandma. 11.30pm it's nothing. yada, yada, yada. Now let me tell you a little story of a girl, who thought the same thing and ended up so tired that she couldn't concentrate. Don't think like that and go to bed early (and no, i'm not telling you to go to bed at 8pm). Trust your friend Athena.

  Leaving my notebooks, laptop and notes organized for tomorrow, i turn off the lights, after locking the door, and head to sleep, a much needed one.

1 pm

I can't believe that no one will help me find stuff. I've riscked getting late to 3 classes today. What's wrong with these people!? Like is it that hard to show the arts building around to a girl, who clearly isn't from New York and that couldn't come to the usual tour? Ugh this sucks.

  To make my day better? I just bumped against someone, again! How many times has this happened this week?

  "Omg i'm so sorry!" when i look to see who i almost sent to the ground, i notice that is the same girl i bumped two days ago.

  "We have to stop meeting like this" she jokes

  "We really have to" i laughed "Are you going to get lunch too?"

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