Valarie passed her paper over to Ray who reviewed it quickly.

"This is good stuff but I see that you didn't mention the time frame of implementation."

"What do you mean?" Valarie questioned.

"I've looked at the past decade of Rules Committee actions. Specifically, to learn who soon rules that are adopted go into effect. From what I've seen, the rule currently being proposed is unprecedented. If it passes, then it goes into effect two weeks from tomorrow. All the other rules I've studied have a minimum of three months before they are adopted. Some even a year."

"Two weeks..." Valarie echoed.

"Schools who are affected by this will just have two weeks to find a new instructor."

"That can't be enough time, can it?" Ashley wondered.

"No it's not. Remember when the school's physics teacher suddenly retired? How long until a replacement was found?"

"Months. The sub was cute though, even though he wasn't really good." Ashley said.

"That's beside the point."

"Yeah, yeah." Ashley responded, slightly blushing.

"I feel like this time frame is a good angle. This should be the main point that we hammer in." Ray suggested.

"Agreed." Valarie said.

The five of them worked on their formal objection. Today for them will be a working day, even though for all them they expected their time at the convention to be a vacation. It was their spring break after all. While it didn't pan out that way, none of them complained. This was something worth doing. To help someone that they trust and appreciate.

There is nothing quite like the aroma of a freshly-brewed cup of coffee. It soothed the soul and awakened it at the same time. And what was better than the aroma than the taste itself. Buchanan enjoyed her coffee with a healthy helping of cream. The bitterness reduced but not removed. Just having a ghost of a presence. Each sip tasting rich and smooth. She needed this drink now more than ever. Tomorrow would decide if she would remain an instructor or not. At a little café in the convention, she sat on a table. On it was a small collection of notes. Across from her was Redwood, enjoying a chai tea.

"I don't know why but I'd thought you'd get a black coffee." Buchanan noted.

"I like drinks with flavors, thank you very much."

"That makes two of us."

Buchanan picked up one of her notes to review them.

"The last time I've been so formal with my writing was in high school. Frankly, I'm surprised my handwriting is still pretty good."

"So, do you think what we got will suffice?" Redwood inquired.

Buchanan thought silently for a moment.

"With what we have and whatever Valarie and Ray are cooking up? I don't know."

"You're not exactly oozing confidence here."

She let out a frustrated sigh.

"Martin. You and I both know that this whole thing is retaliation against me. They won't be fair. They're going to do everything they can to push through their proposal. So, I'm sorry that I'm not super confident right now."

"I know. I know. I believe you but using retaliation as an argument won't get us anywhere unless we got ironclad proof."

Buchanan rubbed her forehead.

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