Chapter 25. Training +

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I thought the first day of being at SHIELD would be a little rough, but rough was an understatement. 

" Come on! Keep punching! " Steve yelled from behind me. Sweat dripped down from the side of my forehead  as I continuously punched the bag in front of me. My wraps tightened as I clenched and unclenched my fists. With my weak physique, I wouldn't win anywhere in a fight.

" Keep balance here. " Steve said placing his hand on my left hip. I turned around, kind of startled and took his advice. I positioned myself again and began a poor attempt of punching the bag. I was trying to catch short breaths between each punch, but couldn't function with Steve yelling in my ear.

I was in the training room with Steve for four hours; I looked over the clock and it only read 9:45 . One more hour to go.

" Stop. " Steve said calmly and I hunched over. I couldn't keep up and this break felt like heaven.

" Here. " Steve put a water bottle in front of me and sat down by a near by bench.

" Thank you. " I said gulping down the vivacious bottle.

"  Your session's over. " I put the water bottle to the side and looked at Steve.

" I thought I had another hour left. " I asked. Steve shook his head and stood up.

" Nope. Banner and Stark want you in the lab, I'm assuming it's your first objective? " I bounced back to my feet and thanked Steve for the water bottle and for taking over the session. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked back over to Steve. 

" It was no problem. Hopefully tomorrow will be how it's supposed to be. " I nodded along with Steve as he walked me to the door. We exchanged our farewells and then I was off to the lab. I entered kind of dressed out of place. Running shorts and a SHIELD tank-top with running shoes. The grip on my duffel bag tightened as I speed walked to the bathroom next to my 'office'. I entered and locked the door. Don't want anyone barging in, now do we?

I took out my hair from its sweat filled pony tail and let it just hang there. I hopped out of my disgusting athletic clothes and changed into jeans, a simple t-shirt and placed my glasses on. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and put on my converse. I look somewhat decent for the lab. I put the damp clothing items into a plastic bag and then put it in my duffel. After applying deodorant, I walked out back to my station. I put my duffel next to the window and a ladder, away from my desk, and then grabbed my lab coat and goggles etc. I put my little safety kit in the first drawer of my desk table thing and waited for Bruce and Tony to get here. I remember them saying they got here at 10:30 and the clock only read 10:00. I groaned as I realized I have thirty minutes all by myself. 

After opening all of my drawers, only to find simple items i.e first aid kit and an instructions guide for the majority of these high tech gadgets, I still had twenty two minutes left to go. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed a tab. I focused on it even more on it and saw that it was a note. I stood up from my chair and realized that I couldn't even touch, much less grab it. I stood on top of my desk, hoping no one would see me, and reached again. Not even close. I sighed as the little slip of paper mocked me from the height. I was going to do anything to get that paper down in the next- nineteen minutes. 

What I was about to do, might get me killed on the first day here. I placed my rolling chair on top of the desk and placed paper weights in between the wheels as to act like a wedge. Please don't kill me. I stepped onto the desk and placed my hands onto the unstable chair. After putting my knee first onto the chair, I quickly put my other knee next to it. I held onto the arms of the chair and looked back up to the note. It looked somewhat closer. Almost like getting on top of a surfboard, I slowly stood up on the chair. I lost my breath as the chair wobbled and the weight nudged a little. After finally standing up, I slowly reached up for the note. The closer I was, it read, Clue One. So I was intended to get this stupid little note. My fingertips barely reached it and then I felt it. Two of the weights fell from its place. I stopped moving all together and waited ten seconds before I moved again. I almost had it, but still couldn't quite reach it. Maybe if I stood on my tippy toes. I slowly lifted the heels of my feet in order to get the blasted note. I felt a paper weight fall to the floor which made me take a sharp breath in. I finally grasped the absurd note and felt the last paper weight fall to the ground. The chair wobbled and moved which made me shriek. I remember a quick lesson that Clint had went over with me during our warm up lap yesterday. 

" Oh yes. If you ever are in a die hard situation and jumping is a must, fling yourself as far away from the obstacle and tuck and roll. "

Well, this situation is somewhat die hard. I pushed with all my might and flung away from the chair. With my knees tucked, I hit the ground and rolled on my side. I landed on my back and unraveled myself. Breathing erratically, I heard the chair fall to the ground. I hope it didn't break anything. I stayed on the ground for a couple of seconds before opening up the palm of my hand. 

I have three eyes. One big one, one normal sized one, and one smaller than the other two. I tend to focus on the little things. What am I?

Riddles!? Seriously! I almost died for a stupid riddle! 

I huffed and jumped as I heard the door open. 

" You know Chapel, most people would use the ladder. " Tony said sarcastically as he pointed at the ladder which was safely placed by my bag. I groaned and fell back to the ground. 

" You have got to be kidding me. " I muttered. I looked at the guys and noticed Tony and Bruce laughing at my stupidity. 

" Although, you thought outside of the box. Quite impressing. Do you like riddles? " Tony asked, helping me up. I held up the paper and shot them a look. 

" I almost died getting this stupid note. " I held a serious look as Bruce and Tony smirked at each other. 

" Game on. " 


The day in the lab dreaded on. Bruce and Tony had me analyzing animal cells all day and telling what the unique characteristics were of the cell. Honestly, not that hard, but soon enough the day had come to an end. I hung up my coat and grabbed my bag. 

" Hey, Melanie. Can you come here for a second? " I heard Bruce ask. Walking over there, I noticed a fairly large packet in his hands. The inside of me screamed as I thought of homework. I left high school for a reason. 

" Yeah, what's up? " I asked, eyeing the paper back and forth. Bruce laughed at me when he noticed my sudden urge of tension. 

" Look, I know what's going on in your mind right now but-" My eyes widened and a frown stuck to my face. 

"Bruce! Please, spare me without paper! I almost died getting that stupid riddle crap you and Tony did, spare me the night." I whined and felt my knees go weak by the way he looked at me. His dark brown eyes densed into mine and it was as if he had me under control. 

"I think you might want to read this." He handed me the thick packet and I opened the file. 



The file was shut as quick as I opened it. I looked up at Bruce and noticed him giving me a look. 

" I think you might want to read that elsewhere. Not here." I got the hint and grabbed my bag tighter. I had nothing else to do today anyway. 

"Well, I guess I will see you later then Melanie?" Bruce asked raising a brow. I nodded silently and felt a hot breath go on my neck. 

"I'm going to have to ask you to drop the folder please." I shrieked silently and closed my eyes while putting my hands up in surrender. The folder dropped to the floor and let a loud slap hit the ground. 

"I swear I haven't even peaked at it. Leave me alone please." I begged and felt my stomach churn.

Laughs filled the room and I soon realized I had been punked. 

I opened my eyes slowly and looked to see Bruce covering his mouth, trying to hold in his laughs. I turned around and saw Tony kneeling over in laughter. My shoulders dropped and I picked up the folder. 


Oh, I wanted to slap him. 

Tony's face fell foward and he ended up falling to the ground. I smirked in enjoyment as Tony crouched into a little ball and looked back at Bruce.

" See you tomorrow Dr. Banner. " I exclaimed and left with Bruce barreling in laughter in the background.

Revenge sure is sweet.


Hey guys.....

x Nat

Illusions * Avengers love story *Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ