Chapter 10. Misfit and Minor Complications.

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Once we ended the whole lovey family charade, we walked back to where everyone else was. When we walked into the living room, we saw catastrophy.

1. Clint and Natasha were arguing with Natasha on the verge of showing tears.

2. Steve and Tony were yelling each others throats off.

3. Thor and Bruce were huddled up in a corner, in feedle position, rocking back and forth.

I shot a look to my dad and walked over to Clint and Natasha as he walked towards Steve and Tony.

" Hey guys- "

" And what does this mean! Huh? Is this another one of your missions? Are you a double agent? Now I'm starting to wish I didn't make that different call. " Clint yelled, straining his voice. Natasha whimpered and backed away. Clint followed in pursuit.

" Nevermind. " I muttered.

I walked to Thor and Bruce, who were still rocking. I kneeled down and pat Thor on the shoulder.

" Thor. What happened? " I said looking him in the eye.

" Tony killed my flying fortress with a writing mechanism! " Thor bawled out.

The sick bastard. Poor Thor.

I hobbled over to Bruce and sat down next to him.

" Bruce, whats going on? "

" Okay, Tony wanted to know what was taking you two so long and wanted to intrude, but Captain held him back. Natasha told us her dream, which was heart wrenching because Clint wouldn't leave her alone. Clint got offended because of something in the story about the dream and they two started to argue. Tony and Steve continued to argue and then Tony said something and popped Thor's balloon with a pen. Steve said something to Tony about me and Tony defended me. To be honest, I got scared because of what Steve said; I even think the other guy is scared too. "

I sighed and nodded my head. Standing up, I made my way past my dad, to Tony and Steve. I grabbed their ears and drug them to the kitchen. I ignored their desperate pleas and continued to the kitchen. The arguement between Clint and Natasha went to a minimum, as well as Tony and Steve's whining. Once we got to the kitchen, I sat them down as far away as I possibly could and sat down in between them.

" Explain. " I said tapping my fingers against the table.

They both started yelling at the same time, attempting to tell the story of what happened, and ended up arguing. I grabbed two apples from the fruit bowl and threw it at both of them.

" Ow! What the heck Mel? " Tony said with a confused face. Steve was rubbing his chest and was holding the apple in his other hand.

" One at a time. " I said sighing. Tony raised his hand abruptly, while Steve looked at the apple.

" Go Steve. " I nodded my head in his direction.

" What!?" Tony said gawking. I smiled and motioned for Steve to carry on.

" Well, when you and Sam left- er, your dad- we just sat down at the table and then Clint asked Natasha about her dream. She rejected it and then Tony made a snide remark saying..  " Steve led off, looking at Tony. Tony smiled before speaking.

" I said, hah its not the first time you've been rejected by her. "

My jaw dropped and I stared at Tony while he cackled.

" Anyway, Clint took offense and Natasha looked like she would have agreed but didn't. That's when Natasha and Clint started arguing. Five minutes later, Tony got impatient and said he was going to go see what was up. I thought you two needed privacy, so I held him back. That's when we started arguing. " I nodded, taking in all of the information.

" See, Capsicle has to butt into everything and stick his- "

"Tony. " I veered.

" Now. How did Thor get his balloon popped. " The room fell silent.

" I'm giving you five seconds to answer me. " I threatened. Not a peep was made.

" One. " Tony and Steve squirmed in their seats.

" Two. " The movement stopped.

" Three. " Steve started to breathe heavy.

" Four. " Tony looked at me with a look of guilt.

" Fiv- "

" Stark did it! He got mad at me for making fun of Bruce and grabbed a pen and then popped Thor's balloon. There I said it. I didn't know that countdown thing could be so decieveing. " Steve said out of breath.

I looked over at Tony and tilted my head.

" Okay, Melanie. Don't get mad. Steve started making Bruce and I defended him." Tony said standing up.

" Okay. Now what did Steve say. " I said tapping my hands.

" He said that Bruce was a science freak behind glasses and that he truly wasn't all there. So I thought he was siding with Thor, that's why I popped the balloon. " He looked a tad bit guilty but rubbed it off.

Steve looked at me and then stood up.

" I'll go apologize to Banner. " He left looking back as if I were to jump him. I shook my head and looked at Tony.

" I can't leave you alone for two minutes. Can I? " I said laughing. Tony smirked.

" I guess we will have to wait and find out. "


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