Chapter 20. PMS and Popcorn

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" So what now. " It's been three hours since we had got Melanie under control. Right now, she was in Loki's arms, laying on the couch just enjoying his embrace. Clint and Nat were on the love seat, staring at each other. Weird. Cap was talking to Fury while Bruce and I took apart the TV remote and made a tiny robot.

" I don't know. " Melanie mumbled as Loki played with a strand of her hair.

The room fell upon another awkward silence and choked about everyone in this room.

" Guys we have a problem. " Pietro came running into the room gasping for breath.

" What is it? " I found myself saying with everyone's eyes on the out of breath Pietro.

"  It's Wanda. She-She- "


" PLEASE TELL ME- Please tell me we have popcorn. " Pietro gulped after his sister's barbaric yell.

" Yeah, pantry on the top left in the kitchen. Why- " Before I could finish, Pietro sped out of here and all I heard was the noise come from the pantry. " It's an EMPTY BOX! " I stood and looked at everyone. " Who ate the last popcorn- "

" I'M GOING TO THE STORE WANDA! " Pietro ran out of the room, down the stairs and out of site. I heard a small chuckle come from behind me and saw Melanie chuckling with Loki looking awkwardly away.

" Looks like someone is PMSing. " Natasha started to laugh as Melanie finished her sentence. Bruce looked down awkwardly as everyone else did too. Loki stood up and excused himself along with Bruce, Clint and Fury, leaving me alone with Cap, Thor and the two laughing hyenas.

" What is this P-M-Sing Melanie speaks about? " Thor questioned as Cap nodded along with him. These two. Unbelieveable. Natasha leaned over to Thor and whispered into both of their ears as Melanie laughed, falling off of the couch which made me chuckle. Natasha leaned back and looked at the two clueless men. Maybe they could have their own ship name-

" If you excuse me, I need to clarify a few things with my brother. " Thor said getting up awkwardly and walked into the room with the other guys. Cap looked at me awkwardly.

" Come on Stevie, let's go talk about the birds and the bees. "

Steve mumbled, " But my mom was supposed to have this conversation with me. " I patted my hand on his back and led him into one of the random guest rooms.

" Well yeah, newsflash, she's dead. So I'm going to have this conversation with you. " I said and sat down on the bed.

" Come, sit down. "

Two hours later.

" Natasha! " I yelled as Steve continued to cry on the bed, holding his arms around his legs. " Natasha! " I yelled once more to see everyone in the living room. Clint sat on the loveseat with Natasha having her legs draped against his. Loki with his arm around Melanie with her asleep leaning onto him, Thor eating a box of poptarts, Bruce asleep with his glasses falling off of his face and Fury drinking a cup of coffee. " Nata- "

" Shhh! You're gonna wake up Branie! " Clint said deviously looking between the two.

" Branie? I do not understand. " Loki said looking at Melanie.

" I'll explain later. " Clint said looking over at me.

" What. " He said making a face.

" You're little girlfriend over here just made me have THE conversation with Steve! Now he's crying and freaking out! "

" Did you explain it in a subtle way? " Natasha questioned. I nodded and looked back at the room to hear Steve's sniffling.

" I think you might have broken Steve. " I nodded, agreeing with Barton.

" What do I do?! " I asked frantically.

" Give him a minute for it all to sink in. He'll soon realize that not everything comes from the stork. " Natasha said nonchalantly.

" Same thing with my foolish brother. He keeps insisting that the Bilgesnipe delivers the infants in a wooden box, no matter what I tell him. " Loki sighed looking at Thor who was moving onto his third box of poptarts. " Tis true brother, Mother told me it herself. Mother does not lie. " Thor answered shoving the empty box and wrappers of poptarts into the trash bin.

" She lied about me being adopted. " Loki said looking at the TV.

Well. That got awkward fast.

" Brother- "

" WHERE THE HELL IS MY BROTHER. " Wanda came storming into the living room as everyone turned their gaze onto her.

" Uh, he said he was going to the store- " I started but got cut off by the raging witch.

" How long does it take to get popcicles! " I looked at Banner and raised an eyebrow.

" You said- "

" Wanda! I got the popcorn! " Pietro ran into the room, out of breath from his run.

" I don't want popcorn anymore, Dumbass! I want poptarts. " The room got silent as everyone looked over at Thor munching happily at his poptarts. Wanda raised her hand and used her magic to levitate the box of poptarts on it, Thor still oblivious. The box lifted off the table with Thor opening another pack of poptarts. Gasps were held all throughout the room, even Fury stopped and stood up, reaching for his gun. Wanda started to move the box off the table and Thor, still eating his poptart, placed his hammer infront of the box of poptarts and chuckled.

" I don't think so, Mrs. Maximoff. " Wanda huffed and left the room, making Pietro fall onto a couch.

" I didn't know witches could still have periods. "

an: short crappy chapter, I'm sorry! I couldn't really think of crap! I promise you guys, the next chapter will be full of all that good stuff! maybe a little action between Loki & Clint? ehh? would you guys like that? I'm all ears, open to any suggestions. any! just comment them And your wish is my command!

Nat x

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