Chapter 26. Eureka! +

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I groaned in pain as I rolled over.

My body hurts like-

I groaned once more. Steve never warned me that my body would hurt in the morning due to our workout.


I lifted the blankets off and made my way to my shower. Today was Saturday and I had absolutely nothing planned, except read that file Dr. Banner gave me. I need to think up of ways to get back at Tony for being a little ass.

After showering, I put on sweats, a SHIELD tank top and had my hair wrapped in a towel to dry. I looked over and saw the file sitting there, waiting to be opened. It took all my might not to open it at this very moment.

At least let me eat breakfast first before I dive into that manila file.

Once my hair was brushed, I put it into a not-extravagant ponytail and made my way to the kitchen. I can hear those buttermilk waffles calling my name. I'm actually really surprised that my first weekend here, I get it off. I better take advantage of this moment. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Thor sitting at the counter eating himself his own stack of pancakes. Smiling, I made my way to the fridge and opened the freezer.

"Good Morning Maiden Melanie. " Thor said nodding his head in my direction with a big grin.

"Good Morning Thor." I said in a chirpy tone.

I grabbed the waffle box hastily and pulled out a package. One package contains five waffles... That'll work for me! I put two in the toaster and waited for the timer to go off.

" So, Miss. Chapel! How was your first day yesterday? I didn't really run into you. " I looked over and saw him finish off his plate of pancakes.

"It went well! Training was pretty rough, Steve forgot to mention that I needed to stretch afterwards so today is kinda the aftermath of me being sore. " I quietly laughed while Thor smiled and threw away his plate. My toaster dinged, which made me spring up into action. I looked around for the plates, but couldn't quite find them. I continued to search, and finally found them.

On the highest shelf, out of my reach.

"You have got to be kidding me." I mumbled to myself. Not only did I have to climb onto the counter-top, but I still wasn't tall enough!

Who the hell puts plates up this high!

I slowly stood on my tippy toes, and just when I thought all else would fail, I was swept off the counter. I screamed as my legs wrapped around someones neck, and my entire body curl up onto whoever was holding me. I heard Stark's laughter, along with a few others and thought this couldn't get anymore embarrassing.

I was wrong.

"Miss Chapel, last time I checked, I need to breathe through my nose." I looked down and saw the norse god, smiling. I nodded and unwrapped my body from him. My legs remained on his shoulders since his big, muscular arms seemed to have a grasp on them. Thor walked over to the high shelf, and I reached the plates perfectly. As if I weighed nothing, Thor grabbed my body and placed my on the counter, next to the toaster. Looking around, I saw Tony and Bruce gasping for air, Natasha and Cap with a smug smile on their face, and Clint had just walked in, not knowing what just happened. He looked over at me, and I sent an apologetic face his way.

These people have too much free time on their hands.

I snagged my two waffles out and placed the remaining three back into the freezer. This will do. I walked over to the big dining room table and saw the amazing view, which consisted a beautiful sunset.

" Pretty nice right?" Startled, I looked at Natasha and saw her eating at bowl of wheat thins, as she gazed out into the distance.

" Oh yeah. This is pretty nice." I agreed. I could totally get used to this.

" You know, I'm kind of glad that you joined. It kinda sucks being the only female in the group." I looked over at Natasha and saw her look at the idiots behind us, who were stuffing there noses with blueberries.

Yeah. Idiots.

" Oh, I don't know if I'm gonna be in the group yet-"

"You can control the elements, can use magic and you are a super genius. Where am I taking this the wrong way?" I looked down and picked at my waffles.

" I guess you're not."
"MELANIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I began to pace my work station as the metallic container melted Stark's car keys. Bruce continued to hold Tony back as he reached for his keys desperately.

" I need to find the flux chamber and switch out the metal that is currently hosting it. Aluminum has too much-"

"Try Zinc. Zinc has a lower host compatibility. " I looked up at Bruce and thanked him.


"HEY. Don't yell at Bruce." I defended Bruce quickly as Tony continued to thrash around in his arms. Bruce smiled in appreciation and I sent him a thumbs up while I searched for a piece of Zinc.

"Bruce . You can let me go now. I promise I won't kill her. " Bruce looked from Stark to me and I just shrugged my shoulders. He can't save his car keys so why not? As soon as Tony was released, he lunged forwards at me, making me raise my hand. Tony tried to push against the invisible force holding him hostage, but failed. Bruce laughed and came and leaned against my counter-top.

" Okay. Hopefully this works." I inserted the zinc and pressed the button. My fingers crossed, forgetting about Tony and hoped that it would work.

Right before my own eyes, I saw Tony's keys float to the middle of the chamber!

"Yes! Yes! Ohmygoditworked!!" I started jumping around and Bruce started freaking out.

"You did it!" I ran and hugged Bruce. It actually worked!

"Yeah, too bad you didn't use Zinc first. " Tony said, plucking his melted car keys from the chamber.

I cleaned up my somewhat mess and put my chamber on my desk, turning it on. The chamber illuminated around and looked breathtaking. My first machine. Cool! I placed my phone in there and watched it float to the center.

Damn. I'm good.

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