Chapter 9. Stories and Setbacks.

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* Previously *

" Enough of your little tricks girlie. " A man spat out towards me. Without knowing it a man came up from behind me and held my hands from behind me. I struggled to get out of his grasp but failed. He threw me over his shoulder making me struggle harder in his grasp. He put me back on the ground and tightened his grasp on my wrists. I hissed in pain as the man came closer to me. I edged away as far as I could away from him but the guy that was holding me thought otherwise. He tied my hands together as the man was about a foot away from me. I kicked and twisted my hands, hoping to break them but couldn't because of how tight the rope was. The man was literally a foot away making me kick spasically. The man pulled his gun out and put it up at my forehead.

" Make another move and everyone gets a bullet to the head. " The man growled.

I looked over at everyone else and saw the guys who were holding the guns. The men looked at their ' boss ' with a suprised look on their face as he said " bullet to the head. " I snickered as the man slapped me across the face. I looked back and saw the men looking terrified. I looked back at the man and smiled.

I gave him a look saying that I was about to talk. His finger moved closer to the trigger and his breathing hitched.

" Bite Me. "



A flash of red and gold flashed before my eyes, taking the man who held me at gunpoint. I looked over and saw the gun laying carelessly on the floor. I gave my hands a good twist and managed to pry the rope off of me. I flipped over and had my knees on my captors neck. I turned and dived which made his body follow me to the ground. I stood up and picked the gun up and held it at this guys head.

" Everyone drop the gun. " I commanded. No one moved, the other men scoffed.

" NOW! " I barked, making my voice go alittle deeper, and moved my hand to the trigger. Everyone dropped their guns and put their hands in the air. Natasha and Clint grabbed the guns and emptied them; I did the same. The gun fell carelessly through the air as I looked over my shoulder.

" I believe a ' thank you ' is in order, Mrs. Chapel. "

I turned around and saw Tony smirking.

" What are you talking about? I did all the heavy work here. " I said laughing.

" Well, I just kinda saved your life back there. " Tony said.

" I could have handled it. " I said smirking.

" I'm pretty sure you could have. " A voice bellowed from behind us. My eyes trailed me to a dark man wearing an eyepatch.

" Who are you? " I said cocking a hip.

" Director Fury. I assume you are Melanie Chapel? " I nodded, and for some odd reason, I felt like I knew him.

" Samuel Wilson. It's great to see you. " Director Fury said with a smile.

My dad smiled and shook his hand.

" Where's your son? " Director Fury said.

" He's not here. " I said, answering for Sam.

" Well, I guess I can work with only one of you. You do seem to have experienced some combat training on the way you just beat up those men, just a while ago. "

Come to think about it, how did I beat up those guys back there? It was all on instinct.

" No, I've never had combat training in my life. " I said shaking my head.

" Sam? " Director Fury looked at my dad, as if I was lieing.

" No sir. " Sam stated raising an eyebrow.

" Okay. Well, I guess I will be seeing you all later on this evening. Melanie, I hope you don't mind, I left you some clothes for training later- "

" Training? " What kind of training are they looking for?

" Yes. Everyone registered at S.H.I.E.L D. needs field training. See you all later. "

With that, Director Fury left the clothes on the table and walked out of the room. I glanced at the pile of clothes and looked back at Sam.

" Do you mind if we- " I started but got cut off by Sam.

" Of course. "

I nodded and led him up to my room. Once we both entered the room I closed the door and sat on my bed. The quietness engulfed the atmosphere making it awkward.

" Well, " I said breaking the silence, " Care to explain? "

" Don't be mad Melanie. Look, no matter how hard I tried to stay and look after you I couldn't. I thought about the two of you every day, sometimes I thought of stopping by and just saying hey, but I couldn't . I wouldn't want to jeopardize the safety of you two. I did it to save you guys . " Sam said looking a little pale.

" That's all. After 8 years, you say a two second sentence and expect me to be okay with it? " I snapped.

" Look Melanie, the reason your mother and I left was because-. " He paused and looked to the ground.

" Let me start from the beginning. When I first started working here they set me up with a couple assignments, nothing major, a few years later Fury deciding that I needed a partner and start working on more... Complicated missions. When I first met your mom, I crushed hard. She was tough on the outside but a total softie in the inside. We started out alright, our first few assignments went by well. Then on this one peculiar assignment we had to go to a ball and take out the bad guy. "

I smiled as how he used ' the bad guy' as if I were a little child.

" Well, when she came out of the car I lost my breath. She was beautiful, I tried so hard to try and not make a fool out of me. That was the night when I told her how I felt, surprisingly, she felt the same way. We carried along with our mission and captured the bad guy and went home. She fell asleep on my shoulder on the ride back. When we returned Fury gave us a few months leave because we finished all of our important assignments. I took her on a few dates and started to fall in love with her. A couple years later of us dating I decided to marry her. When I did, 7 months into our marriage Fury called us for an important task. No feelings would be let out during this time. Right then and there she was only my partner, not my wife. During the mission she got caught up and got shot. I killed everyone in my way just to get to her. After that , I couldn't risk to have you guys gone. "

The room fell silent as I tried to process his whole story. Not once were me and Grayson mentioned, I pushed the thought away and looked at Samuel.

" I hope that was more than two seconds. " He smiled at me and embraced me in a big hug, and I hesitantly returned it.


Illusions * Avengers love story *حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن