Chapter 1. Flashbacks and Farewells

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"Melanie, come over here," a faint hiccup made its way out of my drunken friend's mouth, "the bartender says some guy wants to get you a," another hiccup, "drink." I sighed and placed my current drink, a Long Island Sweet Tea, down and glanced over to my friend, Tina. Her golden locks appeared disheveled and roughly thrown over her shoulder. Her royal blue tight dress was hitched up all over the place and her makeup was everywhere. I sighed and made my way towards her, glaring at the bartender who seemed to have his eyes trailing all over her.

"Yeah, well tell your friend that I don't want a drink, but," I looked up at the perverted bartender and shot him a look, "thanks for the offer." I hoisted Tina's arm over my shoulder and made way to the bathroom.

"Where are we going Mel?" Tina complied with my walking and leaned against me for support. I kicked the door open with the ball of my foot and made our way into the poorly lit bathroom.

"To clean you up before you make a fool out of yourself."

Ouch, brutal honesty, one of my favorite traits.

"Mel, I am totally fine-" I pulled over the trash can that was a foot away from Tina and threw it in front of her. Her head slammed down to the trash can as she threw up the last four hours of drunken remains. She coughed roughly and put both hands on the side of the trash can. I held her hair back and felt sorrow for the few that had escaped from my grasp.

Tina sighed and looked up at me, reaching back for a paper towel from the dispenser next to her.

"Don't know what I would do without you Mel." I smiled as Tina wiped her mouth and sent a sour look into the trash can.

"Neither do I, T." I reached over to the sink and grabbed another paper towel and began to soak it. Handing it to Tina, after she caught my drift of cleaning her up, she started to wipe away the excess make up as I started to fix her hair.

"Tina, I thought you had a tiara?" I questioned aloud as her hair began to come back into place.

"To be honest with you Mel, I think I gave it away for a drink." I stifled a laugh as we both came to an end on fixing her up. Her hair wasn't at it's best, but still managed to hold a few curls in, and her face looked 10x better than when we walked into the rest room. I stood back and tried to find any other flaw that could be fixed while she adjusted her dress to its regular position.

"Yeah, I'm not proud of myself." She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. I looked up and shook my head with a giggle.

"Let's getcha back out there so you can finish your birthday with a bang." We both high-fived and left the bathroom.

It was Tina's 25th birthday and she decided to go bar hopping, her idea, not mine. She claimed that she's wanted to do it before we graduated college. So, we did. We went to a couple of clubs, and only made it in quick because the asshole of a guard said we were hot and slapped our asses while we walked inside. It took all my might not to knock the shit out of him due to his lack of female respect, but I didn't want to dampen the mood on Tina's birthday.

Even though I was the designated driver, I must admit, that it was very hard to stay sober no matter how tempting it was to get a drink. Tina returned to the bar and grabbed a shot, drank it down and made her way over to the group of friends she had made while she was here. After laughing in abundance with them, she vividly motioned for them to go dancing. I returned to my original spot, on a love seat couch and watched Tina try to convince her friends to go out there. None of them budged, making Tina sigh.

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