Chapter 5

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"Ring the bells that still can ring/Forget your perfect offering/There is a crack in everything/That's how the light gets in." -Leonard Cohen

Abigail sat her tray down to sit between Alex and Bethany, barely able to contain her excitement to start the day. The look on her face must have shown her excitement, though, because it only took seconds for Lizzie to make a snide comment.

"Someone is bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning," she jested, "like a good little puppy ready to go outside." She laughed at her own joke and was accompanied by Jacob, who Abigail seemed destined to have a on and off relationship with. He seemed to keep going back and forth in his treatment of her.

"You will have to tell me all about it at lunch," Bethany interjected, happy to have the opportunity to dismiss Lizzie at any cost.

"I'm going to have to try to make it early today," Alex commented, "I really want to hear all about this, too. Danny used to brag and brag about the job, but he never really discussed the details of it with me."

Abigail didn't want to brag about it, herself, but she couldn't hold back the smile that emerged from his comment. Bethany elbowed her when she saw the blush rising to her face, making an effort to help conceal any feelings from Lizzie. That was the last thing she needed.

"Yeah, yeah," Shiloh chimed in with a mouth full of eggs. He swallowed before he continued, "just continue to brag about it." Though he sounded irritated, Abigail could see the smile he was working to hold back. "Just don't forget about the likes of us when you become so important," he continued.

"Man," Joseph chimed in: the first time Abigail had truly heard the boy speak, "I don't think she would be like that."

"Oh hush, Joseph," Lizzie responded, "You're just saying that because Bethany is all gooey eyed for the new girl."

Jacob laughed at this comment, too. Abigail gave him her best withering stare in response, attempting to let the boy know she wasn't impressed with his belligerent attitude.

"I guess I better get going," Bethany stood up to leave, "though I do hate to leave such great conversation." The sarcasm was heavy in her voice.

"I'll go with you," Abigail replied, picking up her plate and following suit.

"Yes," Lizzie called after them, "I would hate for the little puppy to miss her first day of obedience school."

As they made their way down the stairwell to their jobs, Abigail could feel her nerves mixing with the excitement. And though she hated to admit it, she could also feel some repercussions of what Lizzie had to say. Was she too excited about today? It didn't take long for her to decide her answer. She was definitely not too excited. Today marked the first day of the rest of her life, as the cliché goes. This was her chance to change her future, and perhaps a chance to become an entirely new person in the process.

"I wouldn't let what Lizzie says get to you," Bethany commented as they reached the last step and turned onto the hallway. "She just does that whenever someone new comes into the group. She was the same way with Joseph when we started dating."

"Is she just that desperate for attention?" Abigail questioned.

"You could say that," she mused, "But I think with you it goes a lot deeper. I think she is so jealous of you and Alex that she can't even see straight."

Abigail pondered on that a minute before replying. "I guess so," she responded, "but I kind of get the impression that Jacob may be a little sweet on her."

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