Chapter 5b

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As they approached the site, she found Lizzie pacing back and forth deep in conversation with Jacob and Shiloh, who were both leaning against some large rocks that surrounded the dig site. Lizzie was dressed much like normal, and as Abigail approached with Alex, she could see that she had donned her combat boots just like those she had helped Abigail pick from the store room.

"What kind of story is she trying to spin now," Alex picked with Jacob and Shiloh. "You know she likes to tell a tale when she can." He was laughing as he approached the three of them. Though Abigail knew that it was just Alex's nature to joke around, she wasn't sure she liked him picking on Lizzie. It was too close to flirting in her mind.

"Oh she was just telling us about her shopping experience today," said Jacob. "Sounds like she got to see a Lummox coming out of their shell!" They all laughed at this and though Abigail blushed at the comment, she knew that Jacob didn't mean anything rude by the term this time.

Abigail was just about to respond when Bethany and Joseph arrived. Joseph was dressed in black from head to toe, and though it seemed a bit dramatic, she must admit that the color suited him with his black hair and fair skin.

"Well, Alex," said Bethany, "You dragged us all out here to see a hole in the ground so you may as well start explaining yourself now." They all laughed at this comment, also, and Abigail liked that this time it was Alex who was catching the butt of a joke.

He sighed at the whole group before walking over to the dig site and opening a large metal doorway that almost resembled the storm shelter doors Abigail had seen on some of the few remaining older buildings in Louxe. Too many of the historic architecture had been torn down over the years to make way for the new and modern looking buildings that made up the city now.

Abigail followed suit as everyone slowly walked towards Alex to see what he had uncovered. The doorway was just like the old storm shelters, she realized. As she stepped through behind Bethany, she could see and feel steps going down towards the bunker: a much better option than the steep ladder she had been forced to climb down before.

The inside was just as dark as she was expecting but as soon as Joseph got inside and shut the door behind him, lights were switched on and Abigail was taken aback by the site before her. Where her bunker had been a simple small room with a bed, trunk, and rudimentary cabinetry, this was a small home. She stood in awe taking it all in as everyone else seemed to find their way to a seat around the space.

Bethany and Joseph immediately climbed on the bed, laying on their stomachs to talk to everyone. Lizzie had taken up residence at the small table provided, of course accompanied by Jacob. Shiloh seemed unsure where to go to start with, but finally settled on the bed with Bethany and Joseph, taking up residence at the head of the bed and leaning against the headboard.

Abigail followed Alex to sit on the floor leaned against the wall. From their position, they could see everyone perfectly and were directly in front of those on the bed. As she made her way down to sit on the floor, she realized that in her new attire, she would need to be more careful how she sat than she was used to. She slowly made her way down the wall, careful not to let her short skirt ride up. Once settled, she moved her hair around to help cover her chest more, also. She thought she was being subtle with her movements, but apparently a few caught on to her uncomfortable mistrations.

"Better be careful, Lummox," jested Shiloh, "none of us here have seen a Lummox undressed before and we don't know what you are hiding under there!" An eruption of laughter filled the room and she was positive she felt Alex stiffen at the comment along with her. He knew of her need for modesty and she suspected that he was the only one here besides herself who had been to Louxe and understood it completely.

"No, you need to uncover and show them all our hard work from today," replied Lizzie. "Do you guys have any idea how hard it is to turn a Lummox into a real person in a matter of hours?"

"Oh hush, Lizzie," Bethany came to her rescue. "You're just jealous because she looks even better than you do.... And you want to make us forget that you have to wear that pink modest dress tomorrow." Abigail laughed at this one. The image in her mind of Lizzie in her dress too much to bear.

"I've had enough talk about clothes," said Shiloh from his position on the bed. He was obviously unhappy about having to sit alone while everyone else was seated with someone. Abigail wondered if he normally hung out more with Alex or Daniel, or if Daniel had had his own group of friends he spent time with.

"Tell us about Louxe," suggested Jacob. "What exactly happened to Daniel, Alex?"

Abigail held her breath as she felt Alex reach for her hand beside her. Though this was his story, she felt like she was a part of this now, also. And she had spoken to Daniel before she left, even if it was just his freshly dug grave. She felt like she owed it to him to make sure he was remembered.

"That is a hard story to tell, Jake," Alex honestly replied. "You know how eager he was to get to go out on a mission...." Alex's voice started to break. "He just should have waited until he had more training."

When the room became quiet, Abigail could tell that Jacob regretted bringing up Daniel. No one seemed to know what to say and as Alex quieted his breathing, Abigail knew that he didn't fully know what to tell them either.

"Daniel was brave," Abigail timidly began. "I only met him once, right before he was caught. He showed no fear in the face of authority, and that day at the execution...." Abigail trailed off thinking back about the day.

"How do they do it?" Joseph quietly questioned. "I've heard so many rumors... some worse than others. Are they humane at least?"

Alex looked up then. "Humane? There is a humane option for death?" He was upset and Abigail understood but she also recognized that Joseph didn't mean any harm in his comment.

"They drown them," she answered. "They have two strong men who come out and hold your head underwater until you can't struggle anymore...." she shuddered at the thought. "And we have to watch with no emotion. Anyone who reacts or calls out against Tobias faces punishment, themselves."

"Wait," Lizzie jumped in. "They make you watch? The whole town? What about kids?"

Abigail didn't have words to respond and instead just nodded.

"How old were you when you witnessed your first one?"

Abigail had to think back. She had seen so many over her young life and as much as she wanted to give them each the reverence they deserved, some did start to blend together in her mind.

"I was in Kindergarten," she answered. "It was an old lady. She wasn't getting the amount of food that she was supposed to after her husband died and she questioned the government and whether or not they could take care of us the way they are supposed to..... She was too weak to fight back so she went quick."

As she thought back to her, her white hair a beauty against the deep blue dress she had worn that day, her heart broke once again. Then, something new emerged that she wasn't used to expressing: anger. It wasn't right and Elysium needed to save as many others as they could.

"I told Daniel goodbye, you know," Abigail turned to Alex. He seemed surprised at this information. "I went to his grave the day before you took me away. I thanked him for changing my life and for making me realize what I had to lose... but I will admit I never imagined everything I could gain."

Alex smiled in response. "It was nice of you to do that," he began. "It would mean the world to him to know that he mattered to someone and that he was able to make a difference, even if it was just for one person."

No one else chimed in for what felt like forever, but this time, the silence didn't feel awkward at all. It was almost like Daniel was here with everyone, and they were giving him the time to speak to them in their minds. It was a moment of silence for the young boy Abigail knew she owed her life to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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