Chapter 4.2

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When breakfast finally ended, Abigail felt mentally exhausted. She hadn't wanted to make any enemies or trouble for herself and Lizzie had hated her instantly. In all of her time in Louxe she had never actually been hated: it was forbidden. But here? Here it seemed like you could form any opinion you wanted of someone and then act accordingly. It was certainly a jarring experience and realization.

"Don't let her bother you," Bethany consoled her, wrapping her arm around Abigail's shoulder as they walked out of the cafeteria. "Lizzie's had that stick up her backside ever since Alex broke up with her."

"Wait," Abigail really didn't like the feeling that was rising up her shoulders, "Alex used to date her?"
Suddenly the comment he had made back in the bunker made her even more uncomfortable. "It's nothing I haven't seen before." The memory echoed around in her mind bouncing around and causing trouble all along the way. As realization hit harder and harder that she was whom he had been referring to, she felt herself growing that terrible feeling of hate towards the girl, despite it being against her very nature. Worse even, she could feel a tinge of jealousy in her motives as well: a feeling she was starting to become too familiar with.

Bethany seemed to notice the reaction Abigail was having and was stopped in her tracks to look at her. "Oh Abby," she tsked, "don't tell me you are falling for him?"

Abigail was sheepish in her response, trying to turn her head to avoid having to give a response.

"I mean, I enjoy being around him," she tried to explain, "does that mean I actually like him in a deeper way?"

"I don't know, girl," Bethany grabbed her hand, "but tell me this: how many other boys have you been around this much?" Realizing her point, Abigail turned to head back to her room, but Bethany stayed with her.

"I don't mean to pry," she continued, "but I have heard stories about how life is in Louxe. I just imagine that being around a boy for the first extended time can have an affect on you."

"I get what you are saying," Abigail admonished, "and you are probably right. But, it feels like more than that to me." Abigail shook her head and continued on walking. "I just can't focus on something like this right now. Alex is my friend." At that moment, Alex caught up to them and pried himself between the two.

"You giving the girl the grand tour, Beth?" he questioned. "I'm sure there's a lot more insight you could give her."

"What do you mean?" Abigail questioned, "Why would she know more about this place than you?"

"I have to go to work," he explained, "so let Beth here take you up to get a job assignment and we will meet again at lunch, if we go at the same time, and if not I will see you at dinner." With that he ran off to the stairwell and made his ascent upwards.

"Is he going above ground?" Abigail questioned.
"What sort of job is there up there?"

"Oh we have jobs that take us all over this facility," Beth began to lead her down the stairwell to a hallway a few flights further down. "I am on laundry duty," she continued as the two of them walked together, "which isn't nearly as bad as the boys like to make it out to be."

It didn't take long for the two of them to make it to the their destination. Abigail found herself standing before a large wooden door that looked like it had been meticulously carved for someone extremely important. She would never tell but it actually reminded her o the doors on the government buildings back in Louxe.

"This is the office for the Director of Human Affairs," Bethany explained. "She will get your information and background and then give you a work assignment."

Abigail gave a slight nod of her head to signal she understood, but she could feel her nerves begin to rise as thoughts of meeting such an authoritative figure went through her mind. Bethany was oblivious to this, however.

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