A Second Chance at First Line Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay?" Stiles asks and Elle wacks him on the arm at his oblivious comment, to which he gives her a look of confusion.

"NO! No I'm not, I'm so far from being okay!"

"You know your gonna have to accept this Scotty. It's not going away." Elle says comfortingly with a hand on his shoulder.

"I can't!" He says, looking like he is in excruciating pain.

"Well your gonna have to." Stiles says harshly.

"No, I can't breath!" He says and pushes against the top of the car.

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa." Stiles panics swerving the Jeep.

"Pull over."

"Why whats happening?"

"Scott pulls open Stiles' backpack, which still has the wolfs-bane and rope in from the burial site.

"YOU KEPT IT!" Scott shouts at Stiles, making Elle jump back.

"What was I supposed to do with it?" Stiles reasons with him.

"Stop the car!" Scott growls at him. Stiles breaks right away, sending Elle flying in to the back of his seat with her shoulder. Stiles runs out of the car, chucking the backpack far in to the woods, as Elle rubs her shoulder, closing her eyes trying to breath through the pain.

"Okay we're good..." Stiles says before stopping abruptly. "Belle where is Scott?" He says looking at his friend.

"What?" she says, before looking where he should have been. "Shit."

"Why weren't you watching him?!"

"What so it's my job to babysit him? You're the one who kept the fucking wolfs-bane!"

"You were in the car!"

"Well if you hadn't noticed, the back seat of this car doesn't have seat belts so I was thrown in to the back of the driver's seat! I don't have magical healing powers like Scott, I can still get hurt!" She shouts at the boy who's eyes suddenly go soft.

"You got hurt? Let me see?" He says, and she gives him an angry look. "Please?" He begs, and she gives in, taking off her black Hogwarts hoodie, to let him see her red shoulder. He tenderly touches the skin as she winces. "Sorry" he whispers, taking her upper arm more gently, moving it around, watching for signs of pain in her face. "Well, it doesn't look like you've hurt it badly, just bruises I reckon." He says with an apologetic look.

"Nothing I've not dealt with before ey." She says with a soft smile, as he helps her climb through to the front seat of the Jeep. "Let's go find this wolf boy then." she says, squeezing Stiles' hand, letting go as he starts the engine.


"Stiles, Elle, you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty." Claire says over the police radio Stiles had in his car for emergencies. She kind of hated the two friends because they used to prank call her a lot when they were younger and at each other's houses.

"We just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls." Elle says down the receiver.

"Odd how?" She asks, and Elle gives Stiles a look as if to say don't mess this up.

"Uh, like an odd person or dog-like individual roaming the streets." He says. Cringing, Elle face palms, shaking her head at the boy sat next to her.

"I'm hanging up on you now."

"No wait wait wait wait wait!" He tries but she hangs up, Stiles throwing the receiver in to the back seat, frustrated.

"Well done." Elle says shaking her head.

And As If By Magic | Stiles Stilinski 1Where stories live. Discover now