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He was sleeping again. 

It wasn't until I saw him laying in the bed and burst into tears that I realized how worried I truly was. I felt a deep pain in my chest as I made my way around the bed and sat on the chair, sobbing quietly to not wake him up. Like an endless well, the tears flowed and flowed with no end in sight.

The room was dark, with just a little moonlight illuminating through the blinds on the window. He looked calm and at ease, with his chest rising and falling steadily. Still, I grabbed his hand and checked the pulse on his wrist. I felt myself holding my breath, scared of what might happen.

Looking at his face, I broke. I felt my strength wear out. I was beat. It hurt to look at him. I didn't know why. I just knew it hurt. Like a stinging in my chest and stomach.

"I was worried," I choked out softly. After that, the words just spilled out of my mouth endlessly.

"I was scared. Gosh, I was so fucking scared. I thought... I thought they had gotten to you. I thought you had died. Fuck, Nick. Fuck. I d-don't know what I would have done if that had happened to you. I would have died. I would have lived long enough to kill them with my bare hands. Fuck. I was so scared."

I covered my mouth with both hands to muffle the noise. I didn't want to wake him up, but I couldn't stop crying. I didn't want to leave either. Yes, I felt like I was being ripped to shreds, seeing him in this hospital bed, but I also felt comforted that he was here. I enjoyed his presence.

"I don't... I don't know what to do, Nick. I have no fucking clue what to do. I thought I was through with you. I thought I could look you in the eyes and feel nothing special. That two years was enough time to forget what you make me feel. I thought with all the shit that had happened, I would have stopped being so ridiculously yours. Jesus. What the fuck am I even saying?"

I looked at his face. At the calmness of it. At his eyelashes and the soft curve of his nose. He was so painfully beautiful, even as his face matures more. His jawline was sharper. He had gotten more muscle. He was a man. Not a boy anymore.

"I actually did think I didn't feel anything for you anymore. Maybe just the nostalgia when I saw you. The great memories you gave me. I should have known. What type of idiot doesn't realize she's so stupidly in... well, that, when she can't even breathe properly upon seeing you? That when I saw you, I felt those annoying little birdies in my stomach, fluttering like the assholes they all are."

Selfishly, for some weird sense of comfort, I grabbed his hand. It felt nice, but also painful. Then and only then was I able to pinpoint what the pain in my chest was. None other that longing. I longed for him. For two years I was sickeningly in love with him, but forced myself to ignore that.

I don't regret it. In those two years I was able to heal myself more. Putting my feeling on hold helped me focus on myself. It helped focus on learning everything about my father's empire. It taught me to have patience. It showed me how truly flawed our relationship was. How we couldn't be independent of each other. I was everything for him and he was for me. It the end, that only hurt us.

And now, well, now is probably the worst time to let those feelings resurface. With everything going on, I can't allow myself to think of that.

Eventually, my body felt exhausted from crying and letting out all those repressed feelings. I feel asleep with my head on his bed and still holding his hand.

He woke me up the next day, shaking me softly. "You're back," he said in a throaty voice.

I yawned, wondering what he was talking about. Only seconds later did the events of last night rush back to me, making me sit up straight.

He frowned, "something wrong?"

I looked at him, then at our hands and shook my head. "No. Everything's fine. Change of plans, though. We're leaving today. As soon as I get your medicine, I'll come get you and we'll leave."

His frown deepened. "Did something happen?"

I wasn't going to shake my head and pretend everything was okay. We were royally screwed. At least to some degree. "Yes, but I'm taking care of it. You worry about getting better for now. What time is it?"

When I tried to get up, he wouldn't let go of my hand. For a person who just got shot, his strength was pretty impressive. "Did something happen to Vee?"

"No, of course not. If it had anything to do with Vee I would have told you. Just a... bump in the road. I've got it covered. Have you had anything to eat?"

He narrowed his eyes. "If it's just a bump in the road then why won't you tell me?"

I huffed, "because I don't fucking want to. Now relax. I'll be back."

I yanked my hand from his and walked far from the bed. "I'll find out," he said in a warning tone.

I smiled, genuinely amused. "Yes, you will. Just not yet. Smetti di essere testardo." (Stop being so stubborn.)

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Where are you off to now? Or... is that top secret too."

I laughed, "when did you get so sassy? I thought the eye-rolling was my thing."

He rolled them again. "Thought you were leaving."

I held my chin high, in mock arrogance. "I was. Good bye. Eat something. Rest. Don't die. Byee."

It only took me a couple hours to get Nicolas' prescription after getting the medical papers and fake passports from the room. Thankfully, the hospital had a pharmacy right inside.

"Please think this through again," the doctor who treated me was following me around like a lost puppy. "He is not ready to leave yet."

I waited for the woman to get the medicines for Nicolas and I, while having this guy nagging my ear. "We're leaving. Don't waste your breath."

He sighed, "he is very unstable at the moment. You would be leaving against medical advice."

"Yes, we know." I took the medicine from the woman and began walking to the cafeteria.

"He could die!" The doctor grabbed my arm and pulled me back. Right then, his phone rang.

I looked at him expectantly. "Answer. I was leaving anyway."

He gave me a weird look. "It's not my phone."

I checked at my pocket and, to my surprise, it was my phone that was ringing. I looked at the screen. Private number.

I looked to the doctor, who was frowning at me. I looked at my phone, that was still ringing.

"Who is this?" I answered. The menace in my voice was unmissable.


I took in a breath of relief. It was Mateo. "Yes?"

"We have a problem. Big problem." He sounded desperate. 


"It's Gabriel. He's missing."



Nearly forgot today was update day. Well, here you have it. Enjoy.

Bloodbath of the Fallen CrownTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang