
Beginne am Anfang

"I'm not worried, Zack. You can be in love with any girl you want. After all, I'm just your baby mama. I'm only having your baby and I won't never force you to be in a relationship with you." she quietly said and turn away. She thought the pain in her eyes would go unnoticed but I know all her expressions. She's like an open book to me.

I was desperate to explain the whole thing to her. I want to clear all doubts so we could be on the same page. "That's not true. I know you're affected by it but I'm not in love with your sister."

"And I don't care!" She groaned a reply and raked her fingers through her hair in frustration. It was obvious she couldn't hide the anger any longer.

But i was more than willing to pursue the truth. "Like hell you don't. Tell me, does that means that what happened in the restroom today means nothing to you?"

She kept quiet and refuse to look at me. She folded her arms beneath her chest. I could clearly see she was debating on what to do next by the way her chest is heaving.

Fortunately, she was saved by the waitress. She brought our food and we dived in right away. As I eat, I watch Daisy enjoy her cheese burger. I wonder why she eats very different from other girls who eat very small and slow. At first, it infuriates me but I got used to it. At least she isn't pretending like they do. It seems like food is like a part of soul.

"What did she tell you that day? Why did you ignore me?" She asked after gulping down a bite.

"All about Cole and what he did to her."

She visibly tensed and dropped the burger she was holding. I could tell anger was boiling inside her. Her lips curled to form a line. And I know she has reach the peak of her patience. Her face has become rigid, jaw clamped tight, teeth grinding.

"Tell me all the things she told you." she said in a very authoritative voice that left me no other option but to say the truth. I told her everything and didn't left anything out. The more I spoke, the more she becomes enraged. She was hot under the collar when I finished.

I was expecting her explode with anger and destroy the restaurant but she did the unexpected. She burst into laughter, laughing so hard tears began to form in her eyes. She was holding her stomach and continuously banging her hand against the table, grabbing a lot of attention in the process. I remain calm, waiting for her to cut off the drama.

When she finally did, her face was flushed and there was something in her eyes I can't quite say what it is. "Really? She told you that. Wow, that bitch is just..." She raised her hands in surrender. "She's impossible. And you're a dick."

Wait, what? "Hey! I was just being a gentleman and feeling sympathy towards what she experienced. After all, you're the bad guy. You still chose the guilty."

"Nice." She murmured while nodding her head. She leant on the table, her beautiful blue eyes clashing with mine. "what if I tell you that one word could change your entire perspective about the truth?"

"You tell me. I'm not here to judge." I shrugged.

She shook her head. "Then let's keep it that way. I promise when I tell you the word, you'll find out who actually Jenna Coleman is. But since we're starting exams in a couple of days, it could wait." She picks up her burger and continues eating.

I want nothing more than to find out what it was but in reality curiosity kills the cat, so I let it slide.

"Candy?" we heard a cold, distant, female voice called Daisy from behind me.

Daisy looks up past my shoulder to trace the person that called her. Immediately she saw the person, she huffed in annoyance. I spun around to get a look myself only to find Naomi staring at us, her fingers fidgeting with her edge of her crop top as if not assured of herself.

"If you're here to humiliate me because we're in an open environment, then you're welcome. And please, don't call me Candy ever again. My name is Daisy and I prefer it that way." She continued eating burger, obviously signalling the end of the conversation.

But what Naomi said next really grabbed our attention.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. It was not your fault." She looks down, as if finding it hard to speak. "I found out it wasn't you and I seriously need to apologise. I'm deeply sorry."

I sip my water as I watch Daisy debate through my glass. I could smell something fishy coming up. But Naomi sounds very genuine and regretful. What could go wrong?

"You still did what you did and nothing else change, Naomi. Apology is nothing to me and I don't hold any grudges against you. All I want you to do is to stay out of my way. And please, male sure you do a little research before judging a person." I knew the last statement was indirectly about me but I said nothing.

"Yeah, I know but I exposed your deepest secret. Listen Daisy, you need to know something. You deserve to know the truth." She inched closer and dropped her hands on the table. She seems very desperate to let out the skeleton out of the closet.

A deep frown marred Daisy's forehead. "Just because everybody knows about my secret, it doesn't means I want to know theirs. No, I want you to keep it to yourself."

"No, you don't understand. It's related to you. You have to listen, Daisy. Please!" she begged her before sitting on the extra chair uninviting. Daisy glared at her but I was quick to invade.

"Daisy, hear her out before you judge." I whispered, trying to assure her. She surrendered at the end.

"The first time he cheated, I saw hickeys all over his body. After panicking, he told you forced him to take too much alcohol and seduced him. Eventually, you guys slept together. I forgave him because you know..." Naomi blushed warmly for a brief moment.

"you were the school main slut so, I believed him," she continued "But after a few days, I noticed a lot of changes in him. He was always on his phone. A few days ago, ge left his phone unlocked and went to the store." she heaved a deep sigh. "He was cheating with a girl. From their too much PDA conversation, I know it wasn't you but then, they kept repeating how they couldn't wait to meet at school. Instantly, I knew it was a classmate. "

"I copied the number and the next day when we were all present, I tried calling the number. Surprisingly... " her voice broke as she tried to hold back her tears.

The tears in her eyes turned the rainy day into a whirlwind of grays and yellows. She was sobbing noisily and I don't know what to do. Daisy rolled her eyes and reach out a hand to try to comfort her. She was gently rubbing Naomi's back. Although I felt bad for Naomi, this was still an awkward moment.

I offered a handkerchief and she sniffles into it, muttering a thank you. Her eyes were red but mustered up the courage to continue. "It was Kayla. And to make matters worse, Jenna was the one whom testified to seeing you at the party trying seduce him. She's the culprit behind all this lies."
But do you guys believe in that story? Do you think Naomi made this up or you think Jenna and her best friend are behind all of this drama?! Tell me in the comment section!

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Hope you enjoy. See you in the next chapter❤

𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt