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I had a small bundle of things I wanted to take, by a bundle of things, I mean only a lot of jewelry that I could trade for whatever my needs were. I held Katsuro's arm and walked with him out from the castle grounds and towards the villages.

It was nearly sunrise and I knew that at this time, the maids would prepare my bath and in about an hour, they would come to my room to only find me gone. By then I would be across the river and too far for anyone to find me again.

I looked across the vast sky and saw the slivers of golden light appear across the horizon.

"That game you showed me... chess was it? I truly admired it".

I looked into his eyes and smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it".

"No really, it taught me so much. How pawns should not stand in my way and that by thinking smarter, I can do Immense damage to the enemy ".

I felt a little uneasy with his talk.

"Why would I try to protect one piece when it could cost me the game".

"I too believed that once, but I have realized that no matter how many times you play chess, there will always be another opponent who will want to rise over you. In other words, no matter how much power is craved, you can never satisfy the hunger".

I moved my hand from Katsuro's shoulder to his hand, grasping it in mine. I tried to meet his eyes, hoping to see his expression. He didn't appear to be happy, in fact he appeared to be thinking.

"Would you still love a sinner... what if I told you that I had a few confessions to make"?

My palms started to sweat ever so slightly as I felt uncomfortable. Katsuro's grip seemed to strengthen as I moved my hand in his.

We neared the border of the river, having gone through the farmers fields. I could hear the rushing water, I was so close to freedom.

"Everything I have ever said was the partial truth".

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"The young woman I fell in love with, I do have her. I was clever enough to steal her away from my brother".

Katsuro yanked my arm and continued walking.

"Stop you're hurting me"!

His hand coiled tightly around my wrist as he continued to pull me forward.

"We need to keep moving"!

"Stop! I can move myself"!

Katsuro eased his grip and moved slower as we made our way toward the bank of the river.

"I hugged her and I had the opportunity to kiss her. She even ran away with me. She was going to be married to a man named "Katashi". I was not just born into any royal family... I am Emperor Hitoshi's son. The rightful heir to the throne".

We were already a fourth of the way to the other side of the river when he had finished his sentence.

"Wait we need to go back then, you can't just leave"?!

Katsuro tugged my arm again, sending me into his chest, clinging on for dear life as the water roared past the rocks. Katsuro raised his voice and continued.

"You taught me so much, especially that game chess! I thought why not play how you were..."?

Chills went down my spine as he leaned towards my ear.

"My brother truly loved you... he was never playing with you, yet you threw that all away...".

I felt my feet growing near the edge of the rock and started to squirm.

"Katsuro Stop! Stop it! You're going to kill me"!

"You started this... all I needed was a fake Pawn in my chair. And I had all the leverage above his head".

My foot slipped and I fell back, but was caught by Katsuro. He dangled me over the water like a cat plays with a mouse by its tail. He led my wrist and I held the cuff of his hanfu.

"Eu-meh... don't you know the game is only over when the opposing player says checkmate?


He released my arm, I still held his garment and heard the ripping sound it made as fell back to come into contact with the water.

That fool. I curse him a million times. May the fate that fell upon me, fall upon him also.

The fate of a tragic death.


"Where is he?! Where is the Katsuro?! I want you to find him! Find him now! I will not rest until my bride is reunited with me"!

Emperor Hitoshi chuckled coldly under his breath, facing Katashi.

"You're not even the rightful heir to the throne, she is not your bride. Thank you for your lovely acting though. You have played an amazing role as the elder son".

"Curse you! Go to hell! I did what you wanted. You already killed my father, at least spare my mother"!

"Ah yes, she was a lovely woman. Perhaps when your brother returns I may release her".

"I'll find him myself and kill him with my bare hands if I must".

"Oh, but you wouldn't do that unless you wanted to see your mother suffer more because of you".

Emperor Hitoshi descended from his throne and called in the guards.

"Please help, the princess is missing"!

Katashi ran towards the guard and looked towards the emperor.

"I will go also".

It was nearly sundown when Katashi found Eu-meh on the bank of the river, lying in torn and wet garments. Her body was bruised and cut everywhere. There was nothing he could do except hug his lover towards his chest, rocking her back and forth, wishing that he could give her a breath of life.

He wept into her hair and held her cold cheek.

He lifted her hand to grasp it once more and felt a piece of cloth inside.

Eu-meh was not alone when her death occurred, she was murdered.

Everything was coming together in Katashi's mind. Everything that had happened, he understood now. He had heard of Eu-meh and her love of chess, he had done his own studying of the game in the library.

Everything made sense now....

Katashi carried Eu-meh's lifeless body in the meeting hall where the emperor held a meeting. As he entered, there was already a loud commotion.

There couldn't possibly be anything more concerning than the princess being missing and now dead?
"So who is he"?

All the faces turned towards Katashi and pointed.

"He is not the eldest prince, he was only assisting the prince in his absence. This is my younger son. Isn't that right Katsuro"?

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