Discoved Check

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The cart rocked back and forth as if it was an infants crib. Small holes casted a faint light inside of the cart, I peered outside holding my eye to the little hole. I poked Katsuro, stirring him from his nap.

"Katsuro are we almost there"?

His eyes were faintly red and droopy as he mumbled and fluttered his eyes open then closed from his sleep.
I grabbed a pillow and hit him causing him to wake up fully.


"Katsuro are we almost there"?

He sat up and turned his head towards the door and called out, "Sir are we almost to our resting point"?

He glared and nudged me in my shoulder, "because you couldn't just ask the man, you had to wake me up to ask for you."

"Yes we are. Just around the corner and we will reach our half point"!

Katsuro stared and said, "yes we are. Just around the corner and we will be there".

"I know I heard him", I mumbled.

"Then why would you ask me, just ask him yourself next time."

I turned around to my corner and waited until the cart came to a complete stop.

I shoved Katsuro out of the way, causing him to fall back in the cushions.

"I'm going to go take care of business".

Katsuro climbed out and had started to gather all of the trunks that held our food and clothing, he grunted as he tossed them onto the grass. While he struggled with our supplies, I happily made my way down a winding path and listened to the sound of water grow as I drew near. The water beckoned to me, the clear sparkling water that would be the perfect temperature as it was such a fine day. I dipped my toes in and felt the coldness climb my leg. I took off my clothes leaving only garments on that I needed to wash anyway. I rinsed off and swam around. Somewhere in the distance I heard leaves rustle. Curiosity got the best of me and I swam towards shore. I saw the plants sway from side to side.

"Katsuro!!! Katsuro" I screamed as I heard the sound of leaves approaching. I frantically looked around for something to use in self defense. I saw a thick branch floating at the top of the water and grabbed it holding it to my chest. Out of nowhere Katsuro came running from the direction of camp.

"What's wrong?! Also this better be worth it! My food better not burn"!

I pointed at the rustling leaves and Katsuro withdrew a dagger, holding it out, ready for anything or anyone. He slowly approached the shrubbery. Something lunged out and I screamed, covering my eyes. Katsuro shrieked and I screamed louder turning around and swimming in the opposite direction of whatever was coming. Katsuro started to laugh and I turned around slowly, seeing that he held a good size quail.

"Looks like you my little friend was causing a lot of trouble. However I do thank you because I like this view", he said as he looked from the quail to me. I cried out and shrieked for Katsuro to get away. Covering my bosom and my red flushed face... not sure if it was red of embarrassment or anger.

"Fine princess. Looks like I have this little guy to add to dinner"!

Katsuro made his way back to camp leaving me yet again in silence, however I couldn't help but feel that other eyes were watching. I felt a sense of uneasiness. I ducked in the water keeping my eyes above the surface. I made my way to shore and gathered my clothes throwing them on, I didn't even worry about squeezing the water from my hair, I simply left as soon as I could, dripping self and all. My stomach grumbled in hunger and I followed the scent of food cooking as my mouth started to salivate with the scent of soup in the air.

If there is anything that can make someone feel more comfortable it's food. Perhaps it was just nerves and the unusual place that was giving me the uneasy feelings.

The servant who drove the ox cart was already starting on his food and Katsuro was waiting patiently with two bowls in his hand.

"Princess your food".

"Thank you Katsuro but it still doesn't make it any easier to forgive you for your creeping eyes".

"You were the one screaming for me. I didn't know you would be dressed like that. You have no excuse now, or next time I suppose I will let the monster quail attack you"! Katsuro acted like his fingers were talons as he leaned towards me. I rolled my eyes in disgust at his childish behavior.

I mumbled under my breath as I began to blow on the soup, making it cool enough to sip. It did not take long until I was licking the bowl of every drop. After eating I gathered my sleeping mats for the night and lied down, using a few of the other clothes to make a pillow. I cuddled myself as the temperature began to drop as the sun fell behind the mountains and the wind picked up. I shivered until eventually I managed to fall asleep. I woke up with my body lurching in pain from shivering so much. I hugged my knees to my chest and pulled the blanket tighter. I felt a gentle touch come over me, pull me back towards the cold ground. I remained still as Katsuro warped his arms around me and hugged me to his chest. I was left speechless as he rested his head over mine and whispered, "This is what I can do for you now..."

I didn't know what he meant by his statement but his warmth was starting to make me dreary. Before I closed my eyes I felt his lips trace my hair and place a kiss on my head. I blushed slightly with a small smile and fell asleep.

"Princess! This is no time to sleep in"!

Water instantly followed, drenching my hair.

"Katsuro if you do not want to be put to death I suggest you not do that again"!

Katsuro laughed and held his hand out to me. Water dripped down my back and I shivered slightly. He looked at me and I could see the regret he had on his face. He wrapped a thin blanket around my shoulders.

"Come on let's get loaded we need to leave as early as possible".

I noticed dark rings around Katsuro's eyes that I couldn't ignore.

"Why do you have dark rings around your eyes"?

He sighed then said, "someone has to keep watch and keep you protected princess".

"Ohh", I said weakly "take a nap in the cart okay"?

"As you wish princess".

We loaded into the cart and our journey began once again. Katsuro sat across from me in a deep sleep. The blanket was dry and I tossed in Katsuro who smiled sheepishly from the warmth. The hills were endless and we seemed to go nowhere, I continued to imagine what war was like. I would try to recall the maps of the war I had seen. Then a knock took me from my imagination and thinking.

"We're going to stop momentarily to water the ox. You can remain here or stretch your legs. Whatever you'd like princess".

"I think I will stay here thank you".

There was a loud clatter of a bucket falling to the ground.

"Sorry princess I dropped something. We will be on our way".

The voice... was it different? No I don't believe so. I couldn't ask Katsuro, he was asleep. He deserved some rest after a long night of keeping watch. I leaned back in the seat and waited for our journey to continue when I felt a jolt of the cart as it started once again.
I peeked out of the window and noticed it was the same man with the same clothes from what I could tell from the back. I could finally rest because everything was fine at least that's what I believed. For now...

Turned Table of the Phoenix Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя