Final Fight

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Sanyu left without another word as he went back to his quarters.
When would this help arrive... it needed to be soon. Sometime later Katsuro came into the room and laid down on the floor.

Why was he being so silent... did I do something wrong?

I sent scouts around the perimeter to guard the boundaries that night.

We would never be surrounded again.
The men would stay in pairs every few yards under the sheets of night. The men would exchange positions to stay watch. There would be no light until the morning, to ensure that the enemies would not  target them. We moved camp and gained control of the river. No one can attack from the back, only from the front. We may have lost some ground, but it was for the best.


The sun had already risen, casting its blinding rays. The temperature rose and made the men more exhausted. I could see the shimmer of blood on the ground as it soaked into the dirt.

The battle had already begun, with many lives hanging by a thread in the infirmary and many lives lost somewhere on the field. The ranks had scattered across the field as did the enemies. I was in clear sight, and many enemy soldiers used that to their advantage.

A young man with scars across his face charged at me with his sword held high above his head. Having a higher advantage as I was on horse, I was able to slash him across the chest, easily taking him out. However, there were others on horse from the enemies side who had noticed me. I could see the smiles on their faces grow as they nodded my way and charged. Panic overwhelmed me as I didn't know what to do as the two men came at me. I had one sword...

Time appeared to be in slow motion and I couldn't make the moment go faster.

The horses galloped towards me, with their manes flowing in the wind. Dirt was kicked up under their hooves and it was as if I could hear the beasts breathe heavily as they made their way towards me. The shimmer of the swords blinded me and the clang of the armor shattered my ears. I didn't know if my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

I held my sword out and came into contact with one of the men's shoulder, the other man knocked me off of the horse.

I fell to the ground, landing flat on my chest and legs. I immediately curled up and grasped my neck as the wind was knocked out of me. I looked up, my vision was blurry. The men on their horses were making their way back over... to kill me.

Off in the distance I heard men screaming and crying out in joy. I could see reinforcements with strong men and steeds. I tried to sit up, but a pain shot in my side.

I shook in fear and quivered as the men and their beasts grew nearer. I held my sword up trying to defend myself.

I heard a scream as a young man jumped in front of me, with one strike, the man I had struck fell dead to the ground. With another trust of the sword, the same fate fell upon the other man.

The young man turned around and I gasped.


He weakly smiled as blood dripped down the side of his face. He was bruised and beaten.

"Watch out"!

A wild horse cam hurling towards us. without any thought,  Sanyu dove onto his knees, his hands and feet placed on both sides of me, his body shielding mine.

I shrieked as I saw the beast trip in our direction, the creature landed inches from us.

I could hear his heavy breathing as his chest was against my forehead.

"You need to be more careful," he said as he breathed into my hair.

He lifted me up onto my feet and charged at more soldiers who came our way. I dodged their weapon and struck a man with a heavy blow. As more reinforcements came, I could see the fear in the enemies eyes. The adrenaline was coursing through me as I was both defending myself and attacking others. Blood splattered onto my armor and sweat dripped down my cheeks. One second I was standing, the next I was face down into the ground, screaming in pain as a blade pieced my back. I felt the metal find its way into my skin and felt the jerking motion of it being removed. I cried out and stretched out my hand, hoping someone would come to my aid. Blood trickled down my side and I could feel my eyelids becoming heavy as the urge to rest became stronger. My hands rested on the ground and I laid my head down, closing my eyes.

I felt my body being lifted as my right arm fell to the side. There was no pain, just a sense of numbness. I couldn't open my eyes, but I knew someone was carrying me in their arms gently. I didn't know if it was the enemy or one of my own men. I cared not. The man had lifted my left hand over his shoulder to help support me better. I rested my head against his body and was soothed by the rocking motion and the heart beat that lulled me to sleep

I felt a hand stroke my cheek as I opened my eyes weakly. Who was my hero? Who saved me? Who were the arms I had loved so dearly, that carried me to safety?


Turned Table of the Phoenix Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon