More Than Just a Name

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Saku Miyo stood in the doorway and called out my name to wake me as one of her servants shook me violently. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking at the empress waiting to hear what she had to say.

"My wedding will be in two weeks I expect you from this time to become accustomed to the idea and to form more of a relationship with Emperor Hitoshi's son, which is why I have planned activities the whole day for you two."

I leaped out of bed and ran towards the door crying out, " You did what?! How do you expect me to be around a man like that?! He's always so pushy and rude!"

The empress looked at me sternly and when I looked around the doorframe there stood Emperor Hitoshi's son blushing. I looked down and saw that I had my nightgown on. My eyes grew wide and my face flushed. I hid myself around the corner of the door and tried to say sweetly acting as if I had never said anything wrong, "I'll be out in a moment, it would be my pleasure to spend the day with Emperor Hitoshi's son. I closed the door lightly, then proceeded to curse silently in my head.

I called for my servants and had them dress me with a blue, gold, and silver silk sheni decorated with cherry blossoms. After they had finished with dressing me, a silver necklace and ornament was put into my hair. I walked of my room and there he was, leaning against the wall with a look of disappointment.

"Come. We will go out today".

I stopped and asked, "out where"?

"Out in the town. You've never been out have you?" I shook my head no and followed him out of the palace doors. "Where's the litter?" I asked looking around. "We're walking, do you have a problem with that?" I huffed and picked up the hem of the dress.

"Fine lets go".

I stomped off ahead then paused when we came to multiple paths.

"It's that way.", he said as he pointed off to the right.

He ran up to catch me then asked, "do you even know my name or will you continue to call me Emperor Hitoshi's son?"

I looked over for a split second then continued to look ahead, "no I don't know your name and neither do I care".

He stayed silent for a while and when I looked over I could see a slight pang of anguish. I nudged him gently in the shoulder then asked, "So what are we going to town for".

He looked at me and smiled weakly, "you'll see once we arrive".

The market swarmed with livestock and vendors. Vendors called out their goods and held up their items to people as they walked by. Livestock roamed while others were tied up and ready for auction. The finest traders had their goods spread out on stands, presenting them for any who wished to see and cooks fanned the scent of their foods to gather buyers. I walked by a vendor selling hair pins and touched them admirably, picking one up in particular. It was a large cherry blossom tree hair pin that shined with golden branches and light pink flowers. I sat it back down and continued to walk down the isle. After searching a while I felt a hand gently wrap around my arm and lead me in a direction. "I know how much you love food, let's get you something to eat".

I smiled... if there was anything that could help me get along better with someone, it would definitely be food.

I stood there and looked at the food disgustingly. I was used to the finest chefs and the finest food. I didn't know if I should trust this vendor or her food that she made. I looked over at Emperor Hitoshi's son giving a look of concern. He rolled his eyes and simply said, "trust me". He ordered me a couple of rice balls and spicy chicken and walked back to me with the food in hand. I took the food from him hesitantly and took a bite slowly. My eyes lit up and I devoured the food.

"I thought we were going to share that food but I guess never mind". I smiled sheepishly and asked "while you get yourself more can I have some more too"?

He got up and heaved a sigh, "Of course your highness".

After we had our share... (well his share that became my share, but I left him a little), we started our journey back to the castle. The sun was shining over us, showing that it was high noon. I had slowed down and Emperor Hitoshi's son looked back at me and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I told you not to eat that much and that at five you should stop!"

I sat down on a nearby rock and said, " I didn't eat too much... it's my feet. They're hurting".

He walked towards me and kneeled down in front of me, then slipped my slipper off my foot. He lifted my foot and examined it then said "get on my back. I'll carry you the rest of the way".

My mouth dropped open. I cried out, "what for"?!

Before I could even respond he tossed me onto his back. I yelled and waved my feet wildly as I pounded his back with my fist, but he continued to hold me firmly.

"Unless you'd rather open the cuts more that are on your feet, I suggest you cooperate ".

I stayed silent fo the rest of the walk and so did he until we were nearly at the palace. His head was still pointed at the ground and he didn't want to meet my eyes but he broke the silence finally and said hesitantly, "my name... even if you do not care... is Katashi".

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