|12| Not Everything Is What It Seems

Start from the beginning

Shaking my head, a smile tugging my lips, I walked over to the information center. If we were to throw her a surprise party, might as well make it good.

(Your POV)

"Who is that guy?" Nakamura whispered in your ear as she pointed discreetly at the man carrying big bags that was walking towards you.

"Hi there," the man gave you all a big, warm smile, "my name is Takaoka Akira! Starting today I will be working here helping Karasuma. It's nice to meet you all!" The man greeted as he placed all the bags on the floor that were up to the brim with sweets and cakes.

The whole class, except for Karma who had decided to skip class, gathered around the man excitedly as they peaked inside the bags at the delicious sweets he had brought.

"Sir, is it alright to give us these sweets? Aren't they very expensive?" You asked timidly.

"Sure, eat up," he smiled. "I planned to empty my wallet so don't hold back. Please don't think of it as some sort of trap. I don't want to waste any time getting along with you guys!"

Takaoka-sensei was nice enough to share his sweets. He even gave Koro-sensei permission to eat as much as he wanted! It was very refreshing to have another nice teacher like him with you and you were looking forward to his classes.

"You're kinda like a neighbourhood father figure!" Hara said.

"That's not bad at all!" Takaoka-sensei laughed at the thought. "Since we're all gonna be in the same classroom. We're kind of like a family, aren't we?" He brought you and Nakamura close to his chest as you yelped in surprise at his sudden movement.

'Wow he sure is strong,' you thought.

You quickly learnt that Takaoka-sensei was going to teach you PE from now on whilst Karasuma-sensei would focus on office work. You were sad that you former teacher wasn't going to teach you PE anymore since you had learnt so many things thanks to him and his teaching methods. You had been even capable to beat Asano at martial arts! But the thought of at least being able to see him from time to time and having Takaoka-sensei as your teacher was enough to lift your spirits.

"Now then," Takaoka-sensei began as soon as Karasuma-sensei and Koro-sensei were inside the building. "Along with a complete overhaul of the training program, class E's schedule has also changed," he continued as he gave out our schedule."

You read it in silence, your eyes widening more and more as you kept reading. This had to be a mistake.

"You're kidding, right?" You heard people whisper.

"10 periods?" You heard others say.

"If we follow this curriculum, your abilities will grow by leaps and bounds," he smiled happily. "So, without any further delays..."

"Hold on a second!" Maehara interrupted. "This schedule is impossible," he voiced out your thoughts. "And there's no time for us to have fun either" There's no way in hell we can do this!" He complained.

Takaoka-sensei kept smiling throughout his whole complaint but as soon as he finished, he grabbed him by his hair and in a swift movement he punched him in the gut and threw him down to the floor as Isogai quickly tended to the nearly unconscious boy.

"It's 'we will' not 'we can't'," he flashed you all another smile which had become sinister and creepy. "I told you right? That in our 'family' I'm the 'father'. Is there a family in this world where the father's orders aren't absolute?"

You were all with your mouths agape. This man was crazy!

He told you what your first exercise would be and you couldn't do anything more but to comply to his orders.

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