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The party was just beginning and I gotta say, it was so unexpected that Cami and I were in our pajamas. Luckily they weren't bad or too revealing. At least we kept our bras on in case we had to leave the room or the fact that someone could've came in. Just like Chase did. I finished dining and didn't feel like dancing right away, so I stayed at the table. Fifteen minutes or more went by and Zoey came up to me.

"How you enjoying your party?"

I looked up at her, then at the crowd of happy peeps on the dance floor, spotting Cami with a drink in her hand, bopping to the music. Typical Cami. Well, she did wish to get drunk so why not. I thought about trying a few drinks later.

"I'm still in shock that this was done for us."

"It was Chase's idea." Zoey chuckled.

"He really is the best." I told her.

"He is." She agreed, smiling a bit hesitantly.

"So you guys literally all pitched in on this?" I asked her.

"Okay so this morning, Chase came up to me and told me to gather everyone in our gang so me, him, Michael, Lola, Logan, Dustin, and Quinn all planned your party. Then, all throughout the day when one of us didn't have a class, we'd go to Sushi Rox and set up for the party. Most of this food is from Logan and some of us pitched in on getting other supplies. Everyone pitched in on something tho. Dustin is in charge of music as you can see, and Quinn and Lola and I bought the supplies and Chase is the one who came up with what was to be said on the banner."

"This is all so amazing. Logan bought all the food?"

"Yeah, with the help of his rich dad."


"You don't sound like your wowed about what the rest of us did." Zoey said, raising an eyebrow.

Disappointed, she took a sip of soda.

"No, it's not that. I really am happy with everything you all have done. I just thought that you all pitched in on food but it's not relevant this party is beyond anything I could ask for, and considering the fact that I don't know any of you that well yet. But you all seem so nice."

Zoey's facial expression turned into a smile and her mood, more content.

"This took all day but it was fun."

"Thank you. I'm sure Cami is appreciative too."

"She seems happy. Chugging that drink over there."

I looked over as Zoey pointed her out and saw her guzzling the drink down like it was the last time she'd ever be able to drink it again.

"I'm gonna go dance for a bit. By the way, Chase told me to tell you he wants to cut cake toward the end of the party."

"Wait but isn't the Dean gonna catch us?"

"He's asleep at this hour. The only people who watch us are dorm advisors but our dorm advisor is pretty chill so she didn't care that some of us came down here. This party lasts till midnight." Zoey warned.

"So who's in charge of cleaning everything?"

"All of us. And it has to be done before 6am, or we'll definitely get caught."

"I'll make sure to enjoy." I told her as she went over to the floor.

While I finally gained some time to myself I took advantage of it and searched the room for Logan who was once again not in sight. Odd. I still wasn't in a dancing mood so I made my way outside. The warm summer air hit against me as the brownish pinkish looking sky shown down onto me. I spotted a nearby bench and sat down withy second cup of fruit punch. The air felt so good, I closed my eyes to capture this moment.

All I Ever Wanted 🖤🖤 Logan Reese जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें