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Logan drove us home while Chase took Zoey's Jet X behind us. I was so eager to get back that when we did, I immediately hopped into the shower. Cami got upset cuz she usually liked to freshen up before bed too. I didn't mean to upset her, but I had some things to think about. I stood under the water as it spurted all down my body, eventually leaning against the wall and sitting down. I placed my chin on my knees and closed my eyes. The cool water hit against my back as I thought about the way Logan danced with me. In all honesty, he wasn't that bad of a dancer. But it seemed so weird that he'd dance with me. Why me? I jumped out and turned the water off, making it obvious to Cami that I was done.

"You wasted no time!" She shouted through the door as I was brushing my teeth. 

"Just wanted to get all the sweat off me Cami!" I shouted back.

"How was man whore?"

I paused what I was doing and spit into the sink. Of all subjects, of course she had to bring Logan up. Just when I thought I wouldn't have to think about him for the rest of the night, Cami brings him up. I swished the water around my mouth and did one final spit. I walked out and wiped my thumb against my mouth.

"He's a good dancer to be honest. I was sitting in the lounge area and he came over and started talking to me cuz I guess he saw how bored I was. So then he asked me to dance and we just danced I guess."

"Just danced?"

"How would you have known, I saw you with that guy you were flirting it up with."

"That guy happens to be the son of a father who works for Apple Company. And he doesn't happen to be a man whore like Logan." Cami hissed, slamming the door behind her.

While she was in the bathroom, I figured I'd be able to get some peace and quiet, perhaps sleep. But then she came out ten minutes later, bringing up the subject once again.

"Do Zoey and Chase know?" I asked her eagerly to find out if Chase, especially knew.

"They might but not that I know of."

I really hoped he didn't know, otherwise, he'd probably have my head on a platter. Chase was super protective of me like an older brother should be. Even though he wasn't the most physically built guy and most physically strong guy, he sure knew how to get fired up when it came to me or even Cami. His "little sisters" he'd call us. I decided to sleep this off till tomorrow when I'd have to think about it more. But until then, I let sleep take over my body. It was so late, that it didn't take me long to fall asleep this time. Only problem was that I could only get a couple hours of sleep due to having to wake up early for my first morning class.

September 10, 2020

Fuck today. I couldn't bear to face Chase and my new friends whom I'd just met. I showered fast and went to class.


It was now lunch time so half the day was already shot. I sat and ate my sub quietly as everyone chatted.

"What's up with you? You're quiet today." Chase said to me.

"I'm just really tired from last night."

Although I was mainly just scared they'd and that especially he would find out about my encounter with Logan last night, I was also tired as fuck. So fortunately, it wasn't really a lie.

"She had a loooot of fun." Cami stated.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her and widened my eyes.

"Stop!" I mouthed.

Cami respected my wish and said nothing more. She must've read my mind because of how she stopped so suddenly and shut up so fast. A wave of relief washed over me since I wouldn't have to worry about explaining myself right now. I looked over in an opposite direction and couldn't believe what I saw. The same creepy but drop dead flawless girl from the bathroom at the club was standing in the distance talking to what appeared to be one of her friends. It was a girl. The girl looked to be familiar, but I couldn't tell who it was because they were in the distance.

All I Ever Wanted 🖤🖤 Logan Reese Where stories live. Discover now