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AVERY STOOD IN THE DROPSHIP, helping Myles in any way she could. It wasn't much, but it was something. She had just given him some water when a gunshot was fired outside.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" Avery ran outside to see Bellamy pinning Sterling to a tree,

"I'm sorry, man. I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day." He replied,

"We've all been on watch all day!" Bellamy yelled, shaking him, "That bullet was one less dead Grounder!"

Avery ran over and separated the two, "Bell, you're scaring people."

"They should be scared!" He turned to the group, "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up! The Grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do!" He ranted, "Clarke, Finn, and Monty are gone, probably dead, and if you want to be next, I can't stop you, but no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive!"

Avery could hear the frustration and anger in his voice. Three important people of this camp were gone and he didn't know what to do.

But most of all... he was scared.

"Get back to work!"

Avery went back inside to help Myles. When she noticed he was still asleep, she sighed and leaned against the wall.

So much had been going on lately, she hasn't had any time to herself to think.

Seeing Bellamy and Raven together made her feel... weird. She knew Finn had feelings for Clarke, everyone could see that, but Avery could never think that Rave would get with Bellamy just to piss Finn off. 

Her and Bellamy are close... really close. Does she think he's attractive? Hell yeah. But he's stubborn, doesn't think things through.

But he's also caring. She saw that on her birthday, when he took her on top of the dropship and told her the story of Icarus. When her father died. After the depot incident.

The tarp was moved aside and Bellamy walked in, heading straight for the table where they were planning strategies. She watched him for a moment before speaking up,

"You're scared, aren't you?"

Bellamy sighed and glanced over his shoulder, "You can you tell?"

"I could hear it earlier. In your voice." She stood up and walked over to him, playing with her necklace, "It's okay to be scared, Bellamy. Everyone out there is scared. It motivates us, getting us prepared for what's about to happen."

"And what exactly is going to happen?" Bellamy asked, staring down at her,

"Well... some of us are going to die. That's inevitable. But we can't let that stop us." Avery responded.

Bellamy took another step closer to her, making her breath hitch, "I'm not going to let you die, Avery."

She shook her head, "You can't promise that."

"I can try." They were almost chest to chest, "We can't lose you, Avery. I can't lose you."

The sound of the tarp moving and footsteps entering the dropship made the two jump apart. They turned to see Jasper walk in. He stared at Bellamy, not saying anything. But he didn't need to.

"Don't you think I want to go after them, too?"

"If it was you out there, you think Monty, Clarke, or Finn would hide behind these walls?" Jasper responded,

"No. They'd go after me. Then they'd be dead, too." Bellamy answered, "I am doing what I think is right for the group."

"It's funny, you didn't think that way when Octavia went missing." Jasper commented, putting down his rifle before walking towards the ladder,

"Where are you going?"

"More gunpowder for your minefield... sir." Jasper saluted Bellamy before climbing all the way up.

Avery squeezed Bellamy's forearm, "I'll talk to him." She glanced at Myles, "Can you take care of him for a few moments?"

Bellamy nodded and before Avery went up the ladder, she turned back towards him, "Bellamy?" He turned around, "I can't lose you either."

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