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AVERY WORKED ON THE WALL UNTIL NIGHTFALL, tying fallen logs together with wires from the dropship. 

A large fire was set up in the middle of the camp. Most people were gathered around to keep warm.

And Avery was one of the people. She thought about the group that went out to save Jasper. Did she feel bad for staying behind, of course, but she was thinking about safety. What if those Grounders followed them again? And picked them all off one by one?

What if they're all dead?

"They're back!" A boy on watched yelled, "Over there."

Avery stood and watched from afar as Clarke led the group, Wells and Finn following behind with Jasper in their arms.

She let out a small breath she was holding. Jasper was alive and they found him.

And behind them was Murphy and Bellamy, carrying something in a parachute. It looked large. They set it on the ground and removed the parachute to reveal a large, black cat.

"Who's hungry?!"

 The teenagers all began to cheer. They haven't had food since they landed. But Avery didn't concentrate on that. She rushed into the dropship and followed Clarke up to the second floor.

She watched as the blonde girl cleaned and bandaged Jasper's wound.

"I'm sorry I didn't go with you guys." Clarke glanced up at her before continuing with what she was doing, "It's just that... well, I'm gonna be honest. I was-"

"Scared, I know." Clarke put down the cloth she was using to clean Jasper's chest, "Look, Avery, we're on the ground now. And yes, it's dangerous, but we can't let that stop us. Sometimes to live, we need to take risks."

"I don't know if I can do that, Clarke."

"Then you won't survive." She responded.

Avery swallowed nervously and  watched as Clarke went down the ladder, exiting the dropship. The brunette girl sighed and sat down beside Jasper.

"I'm sorry I didn't go with the others to save you, Jasper," She played with the hole in her shirt, "It's not that I didn't want to. But now we know how dangerous this place can be."

Avery stared down at the poor boy, "You're gonna be ok. I'll make sure of it. I'll make it up to you, Jasper."

She sat there for a while, keeping the boy company until Monty came back to watch over him. 

The brunette girl soon left to sit outside. Every little noise coming from the trees made her jump. After a while, a figure made their way over, "You haven't eaten."

Avery looked up at Bellamy, "I didn't take off my wristband."

He handed her a stick of meat, "Here."

She took the stick and just stared at him, "Why?"

Bellamy sat beside her, "Wouldn't want you to starve."

"It's not fair." Avery shook her head, "The others who didn't take off their wristband don't get to eat. Neither should I."

He stared at the side of her face as she gazed into the space before them, "You're not like the rest of them."

Avery glanced at him for a moment before turning back to stare into the darkness, "What do you mean?"

"These kids are all... free. There's no one here to tell us what to do, no guards to control us, yet you're still scared and timid."

"So you came over here to insult me?" Avery asked, glaring at the boy,

"No, no, it's just... you're just different from them. So... what'd you do to end up in the Skybox?" Bellamy asked,

Avery rolled her eyes, "At least buy me dinner first, Blake."

"Oh, come on," He smirked, "What'd you do?"

Avery sighed, taking a bite of the cat meat before answering, "Protest gone wrong." She stated, handing him the meat and he took his own bite, "They started punching the guards and... wrong place, wrong time."

Bellamy stared at her, "You're a little peacemaker, aren't you," He grinned, "I can see that."

The brunette girl rolled her eyes and took back the stick, "So, what about you?"

"What do you mean?"

Avery raised her eyebrows, "Well, you're not a guard. And there's no way you could have sneaked onto the Dropship by yourself. So... what'd you do?"

His smile fell and he cleared his throat, "That's a story for another time." Bellamy stood, "Get some sleep, Peacemaker."

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