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AVERY WATCHED AS ANOTHER BODY was brought out to lay next to Derek's. Everyone watched. They were terrified of catching the illness, too. Of dying.

"All right. Show's over. Get back to your posts." Bellamy ordered them before looking over at Avery and Clarke, "You got enough food in there, water?"

"Yeah. Some medicine might be nice." Clarke replied,

Bellamy smirked, "I'll see what I can do." They turned to go back inside, "Octavia, you ok?"

Clarke and Avery glanced at each other nervously. When there was no response, he moved to go inside, "Bellamy, wait." Avery stopped him,

"She's not here. I sent her to see Lincoln." Clarke stated, and his eyes went hard, "Look, if there's a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go."

"If anything happens to her, you and me are gonna have problems." Bellamy responded and he turned to walk towards the gate, 

"Bellamy..." Avery called out and ran towards him "Bellamy!"

"Out of my way." He stated angrily.

The boy in front of him turned around and Avery gasped. Blood leaked from his eyes.

"Dude, your eyes." 

"Nobody touch him!" Bellamy ordered, "Get to the dropship now."

That's when the chaos started. People were coughing blood onto another and guns were being waved around.

"Stop!" Avery yelled, "Put the guns down!" No one listened and Avery sighed. She punched one of the delinquents and took their gun before running over to the dropship door and shot three bullets into the air, causing everyone to stop and turn to her,

"This is exactly what the grounders want. Don't you see that?" She yelled at everyone,

"They don't have to kill us if we kill each other first." Clarke stated,

Another boy aimed his gun at the two girls, "They won't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Get back in the damn dropship!" 

Bellamy walked over and hit the boy with the butt of the rifle, "Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't working."

Clarke collapsed and Finn grabbed her before she hit the ground, "Finn, don't touch her!" Raven called out,

"Hey, let me go. I'm ok." Clarke gasped,

"No, you're not."

"Octavia will come back with a cure."

"There is no cure..." Everyone turned to see Octavia run into camp, "But the grounders don't use the sickness to kill."

"Really? Tell that to them." Bellamy responded, pointing at the two dead bodies by the dropship, "I warned you about seeing that grounder again."

"Yeah? Well, I have a warning for you, too." Octavia turned to the group, "The grounders are coming and they're attacking at first light."

Octavia went into the dropship with Finn and Clarke while Avery rushed over to Raven, "How many bullets can you make by dawn?"

"I don't know." Raven sighed, as Bellamy walked up behind Avery, "Depends how much gun powder we have."

Avery nodded, "Get started."

Raven rushed off back to her tent and Avery turned to Bellamy, "You need to get everyone ready. No more wasting bullets. Load clips, do whatever."

"What about you?" He asked,

"Clarke's too sick to continue." She sighed, "I'm gonna take care of the sick. Make sure you send anyone who's ill to the dropship. We need to contain it."

Bellamy nodded and just as Avery was about to go back into the dropship, he grabbed her arm, "What happened to no violence, Peacemaker?"

"It's a bit too late for that, isn't it?"

Avery went into the dropship where Clarke was laying in a hammock and Finn and Octavia were standing above her,

"Look." Murphy stood from the wall and walked over, "At this rate, when the grounders get here, there won't be anyone left to fight back."

"That's the point." Octavia stated,

"Well, then." Everyone turned to look at her, "Let's slow them down."

"What do you mean?" Finn asked,

Avery turned to Murphy, "You said you crossed a bridge to get back here, right?" He nodded, "We know where that is. If there's no bridge..."

"The Grounders will need another way to get to camp." Octavia stated,

"Exactly." Avery smirked, "You three, take care of everyone in here. I'll be back."

Avery quickly left the dropship and made her way to Raven's tent, where a group of them were loading clips,

"We need as many rounds done by dawn as we can." Raven stated as she walked in,

"It won't matter if there's no one left who can shoot." Avery stated, leaning against the table and looking at what was on it, "What do we need to build a bomb?"

"Depends on what you're trying to blow up." Raven responded,

"How about a bridge?" Avery smirked,

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked,

She turned to look at him, "Murphy says he crossed a bridge on his way back here from the grounders' camp. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah. So what?"

"So the virus is fast. He's already getting better. Blowing the bridge won't stop the attack, but the longer we can delay it, the more of us will be able to fight. We'll have more time to get prepared." Avery replied,

"Even if Murphy is telling the truth, and that's a big if, that bridge has survived a nuclear war and 97 years of weather." Bellamy responded,

"It won't survive me." Raven smirked.

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