Chapter 21

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Hello again. Here is the update, though it will be a short one. Just got back after the exams
Geez, f*cking hate exams >:-(

Chapter 21 

I wasn’t exposed.

It seems that Aegyo Monster is not as clever as I thought. 

After the incident in the park, I pushed Aegyo Monster away and caught a taxi going home. I couldn’t face him again although I could hear him yelling out my name. After I arrived home, I immediately ran upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door shut, and locked my room. I ran to my bed and snuggled to my sheets and buried my face in the pillow. 

This strange phenomenon where my cheeks are flushed by the sight of Yang Yoseob is haunting me. Why do I blush?

Of course, for that I usually consult with my only bestfriend, Eun Jae. And you should already know that we’re no longer like that, yes? So who is the next friend I should consult to? 

Mr. Google.

Yes, Mr. Google has helped me in many occasions, usually when I need to copy and paste homework, or search pictures of cats. Speaking of cats, Fat Cheese is lying down beside me, asleep while purring. Anyhow,  I pulled my laptop from my bag and consulted from Mr. Google.

'21 signs of being in love'

'Are you in love?'

'Signs of falling in love.'

'How do you know if you are in love?'

Those are the only things I could find. Apparently, Mr. Google is saying that I’m in love. With Yoseob.


Mr. Google had never disappointed me, but this… is he saying that I am in love with him? Yang Yoseob? That monkey?

You’ve got to be kidding me!


I mean, how could I fall in love with my teacher? How? Of course I know that he is handsome-looking but he was the one who took Eun Jae away from me! Right? 

However, at the back of my mind, a small voice is telling me that Mr. Google is right. But I refuse to acknowledge that tiny, small voice. And it only looked as if I am making excuses as to why I am not in love with that damn Yoseob. Jeez! Why does he have to confuse me so much? I have enough problems to worry about!

*Knock knock*

“Mi Da? Do you want to eat dinner?” My umma asked as her voice was muffled. “Did something happen today?” she asks.

I don’t know.

“No, nothing happened. And, um, sorry, I’m not hungry. You eat with appa.” I answered. After that, I sense her presence disappear.

Usually, if you don’t have friends, you talk to your mom for these kinds of things right? But not for me. I don’t trust my mother. I don’t want to be mistaken for Ga In again. Sometimes it makes me think, maybe it would have been better if the one to die was me right? It wouldn’t hurt my mom that much. I was never the favourite. Even if I say that I hate my mother, I still cannot refute the fact that I am seeking her favour. And it irritates the hell out of me.

In the end, the one I truly hate is myself. For not having the ability to match my sister, for not having the courage for everything.

And the matter with Joo Won like Eun Jae, I have a feeling that it will cause a lot of problems in the future.

I give up. Tons of things are confusing me. I will just let fate sweep me in its current.


Author's note: And there we go! Another emo chapter. Sorry for being so inactive these days. But as usual, I applaud your patience and trying to put up with me. Right now, there is a new character Joo Won! And we found out that he has feelings for Eun Jae! I wonder, how would things turn out between them? Would they remain ex-bestfriends? Well, who the f*ck knows!

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