Chapter 19.1

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Tomorrow is back to school! And so Mi Da is also back to school! Lol, anyway, I finally updated! Yay! I hope you like it and tell me what you think. Lolz. So this is just 19.1 and there will be another 19.2. Just sayin'.

Please proceed reading (~‾⌣‾)~


As I entered the school, now full of people, there were students and teachers alike. It was noisy, too noisy. I walked through the corridor, careful not to bump on that dumbass (Yoseob) since I don’t want to deal with him first.

I made my way to the girl’s bathroom and checked my uniform. It has been a while since I’ve worn this. I checked the skirt, if it was too long or too short and my shoulder-length hair too. It was my usual hairstyle, I always put it up in a pony tail but this time, I left it down.

I don’t even know why I’m checking myself, I don’t usually care about how I appear in front of others.

Maybe it’s that Aegyo Monster’s fault. Geesh.

When I went out of the bathroom I heard a girlish scream: Kyaaa!

It startled me of course, SHE FUCKING SCREWED UP MY EARS. o(-'д´- 。)

I knew it! I knew it! School isn’t a good thing at all!

When I looked around to see why she screamed, what I saw was a group of girls flocking over something, no someone.

They went like: Kyaa Kyaa! OMG! I must be dreaming! This isn’t true!

Yoseob was completely surrounded by high school girls and as I looked at the sight I swear I would vomit in a minute.

I looked like this:


And Yoseob, that damn Yoseob, was so happy that he looks like this:



Yoseob was wearing a blouse and a tie, he was also wearing a pair of glasses… yes! GLASSES!

And before I knew it…


EYE CONTACT! Our eyes fuckin met.

(o・_・)<---->(・_・。) [that’s eye contact]

You know what’s even irritating, he looked away, LOOKED AWAY!!!!

I think I’m gonna kill somebody.

====== during classes======

“Hello, I am Yang Yoseob! As you all know, I am gonna be the homeroom teacher and your science teacher! Please take good care of me! Why don’t we introduce ourselves first?” he said as that princely smile was shown again.

The students was like : “OMG, yes sir! You’re so handsome! Omg, what do I say!?”

Fuck you… is what I want to say. But that’d be against the rules. I’ll even get detention.

So I just looked at him as if I was about to kill him and I sincerely hoped that I’d be able to keep my humanity because he wouldn’t even spare a glance in my direction. 凸(⊙▂⊙✖ )

What the hell is he even doing here anyway!!!???

I just scrunched up a paper to contain my rage. So you wanna play strangers? Fine.

Let’s play. ψ(*`ー´)ψ

When it was my turn to ‘introduce’ (note my full sarcasm) myself, I stood up and shown off my perfect smile. It was something I always rehearsed since I became a trainee and I looked at the ‘teacher’ (note my full sarcasm) and I spoke, making my rough voice soft, like a REAL lady.

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