Chapter 10

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A really, really short Yoseob’s point of view ^_^


“What? Where are you going?” I asked Hareubang. Where could she possibly go, anyway?

“I’m going with… Hyun Soo.” I beg your pardon? Hyun Soo?

Hyun Soo?


That boy who dyed his hair blonde? (Author’s note: Lol, they all describe Hyun Soo as the boy who dyed his hair blonde.) I never thought he and Hareubang are friends. As far as I’m concerned, she hates him. Why the sudden change?

“Oh… him. Wait, is it like a date?” I asked. I’m suspicious. Is there something going on with those two? UNFORGIVABLE.

Wait, Yoseob, calm down. Maybe they’re going out with other trainees for, like, a hang-over or something.

“Yeah. He asked me on a date.” She said.

I think I have hearing problems. For a second, I thought she said they were dating. Ha ha ha! But at the back of my mind, there’s a tiny, very tiny, piece of my brain that said: You don’t have hearing problems, dork! You heard her right!

Of course.

Really, I’m having false hope. They are having a date. For more than one month Hareubang and I are hanging out and I never had the courage to ask her out. I’m a coward. T_T

“Okay. Bye.” I said without looking at her.

I can’t afford her to see me in my current condition. So I talked to Dae Jin in the hopes of distracting myself. And when I turned around again, Mi Da is no longer there. I sighed.

“Yoseobie oppa, what’s wrong?” Dae Jin asked. “Nothing.” I said then I smiled at her. She smiled back. “Dae Jin-ah, want to go to get pancakes?” I asked her. She nodded then the both of us went to get pancakes.

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