Chapter 5.2

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chapter 5.2

Uhhh. I can feel the rays of the sunlight on my face. And I can feel someone’s breath, also on my face. Why is it so fragrant?

Wait, what?

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Yoseob’s face, wearing that sheepish grin. And that’s the last thing I wanted to see.

“What the…” I said and pushed him away. Why did I push him? He was still hugging me, and for some reason, I was irritated.

“Yah, hareubang! Why were you hugging me last night?” Yoseob asked.

“What hug? Hey, you freak, you’re the one who hugged me! There was no way I would have hugged a monkey, aegyo monster freak like you!” I snapped.

“Really? I was the one hugging? I don’t remember anything.”

“Well, I certainly DON’T CARE!!! You are ruining my morning, and my life too!”

“Hey, I didn’t ruin your life, I made it wonderful!”

“Wonderful, you say? You think my life is wonderful?  You picked me as a student, dragged me here in this monster house, made me cook dinner, turned on the lights when I sleep, occupying most of the space on MY bed during the night and practically squeezed me to death!”

“Squeeze? I did not squeeze you! It was a H-U-G, hareubang, hug!”

“So you’re admitting that you’re the one who’s hugging.”

“No, I did not admit nothing.”

“Wait just a minute, don’t tell me you were awake that time!”

“No I wasn’t. Well it’s really nice watching you sleep.”


“Peace!” he said as he put on the peace sign.

“I wanna die, I wanna die…” I mumbled to myself.

“Just get up and get over with it, hareubang. Today is your training day, yehey!”

“Had my first hug ever with the most unlikely man, Yang Yoseob a.k.a Aegyoui goemul.”

“Wait, I’m your first hug?”

I rolled  my eyes.

“Waah! I am so lucky to be your first hug! Ever! Next, I will be your first kiss!”

“What first kiss? You perverted, monkey, aegyo monster freak! Try to kiss me and taste my super punch on your super face!”

“Super face? If I have a super face then I would be super man! And if you have super punch, then you would be super girl! You see, we’re both meant together. Superman love super girl.” He said then he smiled innocently.

“What you just said, doesn’t make any sense!”

“Whatever, let’s just go and have breakfast, shall we?”

“What’s for breakfast?”

“I don’t know.”

“YOU RETARDED, PERVERTED, MONKEY, AEGYO MONSTER FREAK!!!” I said and threw him a pillow.


I looked at the alien food on the table.

“What the hell is that?” I asked.

“Uhmmm. Roasted meat mixed with fried eggs?” Dongwoon said.

You see, this Yang Yoseob invited me to have breakfast with the b2st members, and guess what? They made this alien food, and I have no idea why or how they cooked it. It looks like a mushy red unidentified object, yuck, and you think I would eat that?

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