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Due to some reasons, I’m having difficulties in keeping up this particular story. I want to propose an idea and I need my readers’ opinions. I am being so indecisive and irresponsible and I think you also notice it. I am so busy these days that I don’t know what to do and sometimes I just don’t know what to write for the next chapter since I’m thinking about a lot of things. So I’m suggesting if I should stop writing the story and end it at this latest chapter or completely delete it from the face of Wattpad OR just leave it be and find time to continue the story (though my update would be REAL slow). I’m fine with both decisions. It’s fine for me to delete the story or just continue it. Thanks.

For people who are really curious about why I can’t continue writing:
I can’t tell you ALL of my reasons since some of it is really personal. I’m just going to give a list of some of my reasons.

ü  Since me and my family moved to another country, I was busy packing up and didn’t have time to save the chapters I’ve written so far (Chapter 13-18) on my USB and it remained in my PC back in my home country thus I need to rewrite ALL of it.

ü  And because of us moving, we still hadn’t purchased a new PC and all I’ve got is my Ipad which is not convenient for writing the story.

ü  Due to me entering school late, I have to keep up with the lessons and right now I have no idea what the latest events that are happening around BEAST.

ü  We’re getting ready to move to another house since our landlady is a nasty witch so we need to save money and we don’t have enough to buy another PC.

ü  It’s so hot here that I can’t concentrate writing. *so irresponsible of me.

So you can sum it all up to: I AM FREAKING BUSY

Yeah. Sorry guys.






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