Chapter 17

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Yay! I'm so happy I found the time to update my story! I am terribly sorrrryyyyyyy for not updating for such a long time!!! SUPER BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR! My birthday is drawing near. ^_^

Chapter 18

There are two things I'm curious of, first is the reason why almost half of my things kept disappearing and second, why am I so sure that Yoseob is the culprit. That damn Aegyo Monster. He must be plotting something.

"Yoseob, don't play dumb with me. I am seriously getting angry." I warned him.

He just looked at me with a poker face expression, makes it impossible for me to know if he's lying or not.

"Mi Da-shi, even though I annoy you so much, I'm not that stupid to go as far as stealing your things just to stop you from leav---" he stopped.

"To stop me from what?"


"Hey, you're too suspicious, I'm going to keep an eye on you."

"Ask Fat Cheese, maybe he's the one who stole your things."

"It's not even funny, stupid aegyo monster!" I walked out.

Ah, but I still can't find my things. How am I supposed to pack my things if they themselves ARE MISSING!?

"Hey Fat Cheese, did you take them?" Yeah I'm turning crazy.




"I do not understand cat language, Fat Cheese."

"Mrow, meowww"

"What was that? I'm stupid for talking to you in the first place? Yeah, you might be right." I replied. I guess I need to devise a plan to stop Yoseob to whatever he's doing.

Seriously, he is not a child anymore and yet he's acting like one. In six days, I'm leaving the house but I couldn't. Yoseob should know it's useless even if he takes my things away just to stop me from leaving.

I slumped to my bed, completely drained of energy. I kept thinking... is it really better to leave their dorm? I mean, a single woman, living in a dorm with a bunch of good-looking guys, would be a target of envy right? If fans of Beast ever, ever knew a girl is living with them, I'd gain a number of anti-fans before I even debut. So that's why I should leave before I'm spotted.

One more thing is, a girl living alone with boys is like throwing a rabbit in a den of wolves, not that they're a match with my matial arts. But still, I'm a respectable woman who would not want to be branded as a slut.

People will misunderstand my situation, no matter how I tell them the truth.

The world of Showbiz is really scary.

But, I chose this so I must stand tall and never waver..... Did I sound inspirational just now? Well, whatever.

But first! I must find my missing things. I stood up and went to the living room where Yoseob is watching television.

"Hey, Yoseob, please give me back my things." I told him as if I was pleading.

"I told you, I don't know." He said casually. Why this little chit, he's an expert in lying.

"I'm not saying you do it for free. I'm saying that I will bargain with you." I said to him. If there is something I'm good at, it would be trading.

"Hmm... even though I do not know what you are talking about, I'm listening to your offer." he replied as he turned away from the television to face me.

"Listen carefully then. When I go back home, I will visit your office every single day." I said to him, and I'm in completely business-mode.

"Hmm... you won't be late for a minute?"

"Not a single minute."

"Not bad. Fine. They're located near Fat Cheese's litter box."

"Wha-!? Why'd you put it there you bastard!"

"I told you to ask Fat Cheese." He said with a smug look on his face.

Grrrr.... It was, after all, a good decision to leave. This idiot of a teacher. Let's see if you'll still smile.

I can't fall for his dirty tricks, I can't fall for his childish complaints, I can't fall in love with him... ever.

That's why I must escape, before I'm trapped.


Author's Note: Uhm... yeah... pretty short I guess?

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