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Next day Álvaro woke up in his couch. He couldn't remember when he fell asleep. He sat there in his couch and tried to calm his mind. He just wished that all of these is just a bad dream and he can see Tess soon.

After getting fresh he called his friend who was in police.

"Hey Jacob, I need your help"


"Okay see you then"

Álvaro need to find Tess at any cost. Find her alive.

Around 10 am he received a call from a blocked id. He guessed it might be Lauren. So he recorded the call.

" How are you, Professor?"

"Lauren?", Alvaro asked though he was sure that it was her only.

"Yes", she said calmly, " by now you must have figured it out"

"What do you want?"

"Revenge. I want revenge"

"Well you are taking revenge from a wrong person. It was Kinley who killed your aunt not me"

"Don't keep of whining the same story", said Lauren angrily.

"What do you want Lauren"

"I want you to suffer. Listen to your girlfriend", she said and after a pause Alvaro heard some muffled voice.

It was Tess. Her mouth was gagged. She was crying.

Alvaro shouted, "Tess!! Tess!!! Tess don't worry. I'll find you. I'll find you no matter what. Tess..."

He was going to say something but Lauren said, "so you heard Tess? Your boyfriend is going to find you. So let him. Good luck in finding us, professor", Lauren said and cut the call.

For a moment Álvaro's mind went black. He couldn't think what Tess was going through.

"I've to find her quickly", he thought.

Later in the evening his friend Jacob arrived.

"Hey mate", greeted Álvaro as he opened his door.

"Long time", Jacob said.

"Indeed it is"

They sat on the couch. After talking about something else, Álvaro came in point.

"You know that I need a favor from you", Álvaro said to Jacob.


"So here's the story", Álvaro said and described everything. From first to last. In between they four rounds of coffee.

After a long pause Jacob finally spoke, "Álvaro, to solve this case we need to inform her parents"

"I agree", Álvaro said in a low voice and nodded his head slightly, "but I want you to handle this case".

Jacob gave a yes.

Both Jacob and Álvaro decided to visit Tess's parents.

Mrs. Rosewood opened the door.

"Mr. Morte", said Mrs. Rosewood and looked at Jacob.

"Mrs. Rosewood", said Álvaro and introduced Jacob, "This is Jacob Weinstein, he is an police officer and he will taking incharge of Tess's case"

"Please come in", Mrs. Rosewood said.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Rosewood looked pale. May be they didn't even have ate anything.

"We have to say you something", Jacob said.

"What is it?", asked Mr. Rosewood.

Slowly both of them said everything to them in detail. As they came to know why Tess was kidnapped, Mr. Rosewood was giving looks to Álvaro.

"You are the reason my daughter got kidnapped?", Mr. Rosewood said in an angry and stern voice.

"Sir, please", said Jacob, "this is not a time to blame people"

"You are saying me not to blame him?? How dare he dated my daughter. Today because of him my daughter is kidnapped", shouted Mr. Rosewood.

"Honey, please", Mrs. Rosewood tried to calm down her husband.

"What Martha? Didn't you listen what he said. This guy instead of teaching our daughter he dated her"

"I knew"

"What??", asked Mr. Rosewood in total shock.

"I didn't knew the reason of the kidnapping but I knew that they dated. And I can't totally blame him"

"What are you saying? Are you out of your mind?", Mr. Rosewood asked, still confused.

"Didn't you hear? Kinley is involved in the kidnapping. Do you really think if it was not him(Álvaro) then Kinley would still stay away from our daughter?? He went to jail, lost his job for us. Its all coincidence that he used to date Mr. Morte's ex"

There was pin drop silence in the room. For minutes nobody spoke anything. It was at last Jacob who broke the silence.

"I'll start my job from tomorrow. They will not kill Tess for sure. Tess is just a bait. Their actual victim is Álvaro"

They left Tess's house. Jacob went back and Álvaro returned back to his home.

He sat with his phone, looking through the pictures of his and Tess together. There was this one picture where Tess was holding a pup and both of them were kissing it from either side. It looked like they had a perfect family. A family he always wanted to have with Tess.

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