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Lauren was heading back  when Álvaro called her from back.

"Lauren", said Álvaro.

"Oh professor"

"Lauren I need to ask you this. Who exactly are you and what are you doing here?"

Lauren scoffed. I am your student.

"Is it? Can you explain me how do you know Ashley?", Álvaro asked.

Lauren didn't answer.

"I am asking you something Lauren"

"Can we go inside and talk?"

Álvaro agreed. They ordered two black coffee and sat on the same table in which Lauren was sitting with Ashley.

"How do you know Ashley?"

"Well", Lauren said and paused a bit, "she..... she is my mom"

"WHAT?", Álvaro gave a shocking expression.


A waitress came and gave them their coffee.

"Can you just explain me what's going on?", Álvaro said and shook his head.

"There's nothing to explain. Don't act so innocent Álvaro"


"Yes. You are responsible for the death of my aunt"



"What on earth are you saying?"

"Aunt Jenny didn't kill herself. You killed her", Lauren said in the verge of breaking down.

"It's not true. She killed herself. She left me and went for that guy. That guy was responsible, not me", Álvaro said in a tempted voice.

"You just wanted revenge. You couldn't take that she left you. And you killed her"

"You know you sound so stupid?"

"I'll take her revenge"

"So whatever you did was for revenge?"


"Listen Lauren", Álvaro's voice became stern, "you wanna take revenge, you can. But don't hurt Tess"

"Oh I've nothing done yet", said Lauren, paid her money and left.

The coffee was untouched.


Its been a week that Tess have stopped talking to Álvaro. He couldn't take the fact that Tess broke up with him. She needs to know everything. It was the only way to get her back. And he has all right to get her back. He didn't do anything wrong.

Álvaro decided to go and meet Tess. He knows that if he calls her, she will not pick-up. So he decided to message her.

I know you are angry with me but I need to see you. There's something you should know. Will come your home at 7pm.

Tess's phoned beeped with this message. She saw it and kept her phone aside.

After their breakup Tess have stopped talking. She barely comes out of her room. Doesn't eat.

At evening Álvaro drove to Tess's house. He was kind of scared. What will he say to her parents? I am your daughter's teacher abd her boyfriend??!!! Or ex-boyfriend!!  How will Tess react?

He was thinking all these when he reached infront of her home. He looked out of the car window. The lights of the house were off. It seems nobody's at home.

Álvaro came out of his car and walked towards the main door. He looked here and there. They were not at home.

"Are you looking for someone?", asked a guy from behind. It was their neighbour.

"Yes. I came for Tess. It seems they aren't home"

"They are at hospital", the guy said.

Álvaro didn't expect that. "Hospital?"

"Yeah. Tess ran into an accident. A car hit her. She admitted in the hospital"

For a moment Álvaro's heart stopped beating. He couldn't hear anything. His head went blank. His body felt numb.

Álvaro stammered and asked, "which..... Which hospital?"


Álvaro went back to his car, started it and drove as fast as he could. Tess met with an accident. Tess was hit with a car. He couldn't imagine.

His gut feeling was saying this was not an accident. He feels like he knows who would hurt her.

A feeling of guilty hit him. His eyes were water-y. Because of him, today Tess have to go through this.

Álvaro parked his car aside. He sat there still for few moments and then screamed. He screamed as loud as he could. Not only he did lost Tess but also he got her into trouble.

He cried and cried. He had no power to drove upto hospital and watch Tess.

How are your holidays? Greetings of new year in advance (◔‿◔) ❤️

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