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After four days from now exams are going to start. Tess have forgotten all of her problems and is concentrating only in her exams.

It was that day when Josh and Tess and some of their other friends were studying in library there was an announcement by Principal Geller.

"Good afternoon students. With a very heavy heart I have to announce that one of student Sara Hamilton had  passed away in an accident. She was admitted in hospital in a very critical condition. After struggling for two days, Sara left us yesterday evening. The college has arranged a two minutes silence prayer in her name. All students are requested to pay their due respect. Thank you"

After listening to the announcement Tess packed her bag and ran towards Álvaro's office. Her head was blank. She couldn't think of anything. Everything was feeling unreal to her.

She opened the door of his office and stood their for few seconds. Álvaro looked at her. She was panting.

He hurriedly came and hugged Tess and closed the door.

"Did you just hear?", asked Tess in a dry voice.

"I did"


"I don't know. May be its karma"

"Yeah....but.....", Tess couldn't find words to say anything.

"It was an accident"

"I didn't want things to go this way"

"Hey girl", said Álvaro, "whatever happened it was not in our hand. I know you feel bad. We all do. Whatever it is no one deserves to die"

Later that day all the students pay their respects to Sara. 

Exam week started. Tess and Álvaro have decided to meet after exams are completed.

Its been weeks since Sara's death. Exams were over. Calvin, Sara's boyfriend and Mr Fresher was still coping up with the loss.

Things were going steady. Tess and Álvaro were back in their normal life.


It was their one year anniversary. Tess couldn't believe he spent one year with this, this geeky professor.

"Happy anniversary babe", said Álvaro.

"Happy anniversary. Someone remembered. You are proving being a really good boyfriend"

"Thank you. And I have reservations for today. So get ready and I will pick you up at 7"

"Okay, but I think I have to go shopping. I don't have anything nice to wear"

"Oh don't worry about that. I think you should wait before going to shopping", Alvaro said and chuckled.

"What do you mean ?", Tess asked hiding all her excitement.

"Just wait. Remember I'll come at 7"


"See you soon my love"

It was around 3:30 pm when Tess received a parcel.

"Tess you have a parcel", shouted her mom from downstairs.

She ran downstairs and took her delivery. There was no name written.

"From whom is it ?", asked her mom.

"I don't know mom", Tess said though she have guessed who is the sender.

She took it up in her room and opened it. It was a dress. A shiny black dress. Tess couldn't believe. That's why Álvaro said her to wait before going for shopping.

"Omg! Omg! Omg!", Tess screamed.

She tried that dress to see whether it fits or not. As she wore it, it fitted perfectly. Her curves were perfectly shown. The neck was low V-shaped which would add a sexy look. The dress ended a little above the knee. The colour really blossomed on her.

Later that night Tess got dressed up fot her special night out.

"Look at her. Someone's going to make a mark today", said Tess's mom.

"You look beautiful,Tess", said her dad.

"Thanks dad", said Tess shyly.

"Btw who's the guy?", asked her dad.

Tess knows that her dad was concerned about her dating life after her last relationship.

"Don't worry dad. This is the guy you would like me to marry"

"Take care hon", said her dad and kissed her forehead.

Tess walked a few blocks. Álvaro didn't want to just drop in front of her house. Tess saw his car.

They drove to this beautiful fancy restaurant. Tess has never visited one like this.

"Álvaro I have never seen any place like this", Tess said in total awe.

"Wait here", Álvaro said and walked upto the reception.

Then a boy came and took them to their place.

They took their seat. Wine was served.

"You liked this?", Álvaro asked looking at her face.

"Like? I love this"

Her excitement was totally seen in her face and voice.

"You look beautiful in that dress", he said as he took her hands in his.

"Thanks for the dress. Its really beautiful"

"It looks beautiful coz you wore it"

Tess blushed.

After having their dinner they took a walk. Tess was playing with his fingers. Suddenly Álvaro spin her and pulled her in his arms.

Tess giggled.

He then removed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. He then lifted her chin with his finger and planted a soft kiss in her lips. Tess kissed him back.

Under the night sky two souls which were once broken now happy in each other's arm, kissing each other and giving all the love they have.

This was something I imagine I will experience too 🙈🙈 Having feels 😁 Please do vote and comment. Love and hugs ❤️❤️

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