Rachel raised her eyebrows, “What have I told you about calling me Ray? Jay!” 

Jakob put on an innocent face, “To not to” he said jokingly.

Rachel placed her hand over her mouth to conceal her smile, “Good Job!” she exclaimed sarcastically.

“Are you guys going at it again?” August asked poking his head around the corner. August was Rachel’s age; he had curly brown hair that he always carefully arranged and big brown eyes that matched Jakobs perfectly.

“When are we not going at it?” Jakob asked before reaching over to ruffle Rachel’s hair.

“Watch it!” She called out trying to hide the amusement in her voice.

“Yeah Jake, she actually dressed up for us” August commented sarcastically. 

Rachel shot August a look of disdain before stomping off to the kitchen in search for food.

  Janette and Victoria were bustling around trying to set the table and prepare the meal, while Thomas sat at the bar; occasionally sneaking a scrap of food.

Thomas turned around and saw Rachel skipping into the kitchen.

“Ah! There is that beautiful girl!” He said standing up to give her a hug. Rachel noticed his thick beard was sporting more grey hair than usual, but she said nothing about it. Not wanting to dig into his business.

“How are you Rachel?” Victoria asked; she brushed a short brown curl out of her face.

Rachel smiled at her, “I am doing well!”

Victoria nodded once and returned her smile, “Good, good.” She said before turning back to help Janette with the plates.

Jakob and August came running into the Kitchen. Jakob’s socks slid across the wood floor sending him flying into the metal bar stool. He tumbled to the ground with a grunt.

Victoria spun around in surprise; sending Jakob a look of disappointment, “Jakob Brendan Holt!” She exclaimed, “Don’t you think you are a bit too old to be playing around?”

“I don’t think you are ever too old to be goofing around” Jakob replied, as he pulled himself up.

Rachel bit down on her tongue in attempt to hold in her laughter. It was in vain though as she let out a pitiful sounding snort.  Her eyes widened as everyone turned towards her. 

August didn’t even try to hide his laughter as it echoed throughout the house.

“You think it’s funny do you?” Jakob asked, he took a few steps towards August, who was doubled over in laughter.

August nodded, before disappearing around the corner, Jakob running after him. 

Victoria rolled her eyes and sighed producing a giggle from Rachel, “Twenty-one and eighteen years old! They told me it would get better, well whoever said that obviously never had boys of their own.”

Janette laugher at her friend and patted her on the back, “It may get better, it could be worse”

“Oh yes it could be!” Thomas added with his deep booming voice.

After a few more moments the two families were ready to eat. They all crowded around the large oak table, and joined hands to give thanks.

“Heavenly Father,” Thomas prayed, “Thank you for allowing us to have the chance to spend this lovely evening with the Haynes. If there is anyone here right now that doesn’t have the pleasure of knowing, God open their hearts to accept you.”

Rachel felt Jakob’s grip on her hand loosen a bit, as he fidgeted next to her.

Rachel squeezed her eyes closed tighter and prayed a silent prayer, “God, please open Jakob’s eyes to see the truth.”

Thomas ended his prayer with a hearty, “Amen, “and they all dug into the food. The food was gone almost instantly and they adults got up to clear the table.

Jakob leaned back into his chair and placed his hands up his head, “That hit the spot!” he exclaimed.

Rachel wasn’t paying attention to what he was saying, as her eyes were trained on the words scrawled on the inside of his forearm.

“Ray?” Jakob asked, ‘Rachel?”

Rachel narrowed her eyes and grabbed his wrist, “What is this?” she asked turning his arm to face her.

Jakob sighed and pulled his arm out of her grasp, “It’s just a tattoo, do you like it?” 

“What does it say?” Rachel asked, still a bit shocked, she had nothing against tattoo, but Jakob wasn’t the type to just randomly get a tattoo. Get drunk, yes, but not get a tattoo.

Jakob turned his arm to face himself, “To infinity and beyond, “

August rolled his eyes and scoffed.

“Like Buzz Light-year?” Rachel asked 

Jakob chuckled, “Well, I guess? When you say it like that it doesn’t seem as cool.”

Rachel sighed and took her plate to the sink; she walked back in the dining room to join the two boys.

“Thanks for hanging Rachel, I’ll see you later?” Jakob asked; reaching over to grab her hand.

“Where are you going?” She asked 

“My friend Dawson is having a party I thought I would make a quick appearance,” he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek before heading out the door.

 Rachel sighed and looked up at August.

“You can’t worry about him, he is an adult.”

Rachel played with her fingers, “I know, I just cant help it.”

“You really love him don’t you?”

Rachel’s cheeks colored pink, much to her dismay, “As a brother of course.”

August gave her a knowing smile, “Just like I love Samantha as a sister.”

Rachel narrowed her eyes; Samantha was Augusts’ girlfriend and a close friend to Rachel, “Noooo, not like that.”

August narrowed his eyes at her, before turning his attention towards the little clock on the wall, “Oh its 6’ o’clock.” He hopped out of his seat and ran towards the living room. 

Rachel shook her head and smiled, it was a habit for the three of them to watch Jeopardy together. A habit that Rachel enjoyed.  The three of them loved to see who could correctly guess the answer, before the contestant did. 

Rachel plopped onto the red couch next to August, who was loudly humming the theme music.

“I guess it’s just you and me tonight Ray,” he said, casually draping an arm around her shoulder.

Rachel smiled at him before turning her attention to the screen, “Lord, please keep Jakob safe tonight.” She prayed silently. 


Day 1- I am so excited I have manged to make it through today! I am lacking motivation and its only the first day, hopefully I will be able to get motivated fast! All I can say is I am so grateful Halloween was last night. I cant tell you how many chocolate bars I have eaten over the last couple of hours.

   Anyway, as I was writing the chapter I started thinking about all the special people in my life who aren't saved. It is a really hard thing to think about for us who are saved. Knowing someone that is making the wrong decision and feeling completely helpless because you are unable to do anything except speak the truth. I have been dealing with this lately and let me tell you it is hard! One thing God has taught me through it is that he is completely  in control. It is such an amazing thing to feel helpless and know there is someone who can help! So for day one the first thing God has taught me is....He is Sovereign over everything!

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