Chapter Thirteen-

Start from the beginning

But it’s too late… Niall has already beaten me there.  I let out a sigh then get into the back seat with Niall.

“If I was a bad sport I would point out that technically I should have won, but some guy held me back,” I tell him and he lets out a laugh.

“Well good thing you’re a good sport then,” he winks at me.  I can’t help but blush at that.  He just continues to smile at me, but then looks at me seriously again.

“Are you ok?” he asks me looking down at my arm, I look at it and notice a bruise where the man’s hand had been.

“Yeah, he just had a tight grip,” I explain and Niall’s face doesn’t calm down but he nods slightly then looking back out his window.

“Next time that happens get me right away,” he tells me, and I nod slightly giving him a small smirk.

“Well we were racing, so it was a little tough to get you at that moment,” I told him and he just continues to look at me.

“I don’t care what I’m doing, just get me next time, ok?” he asks me and I nod.

“So when are we going to talk about it?” I ask switching subjects back to what the guy said at Nando’s, about him and Demi Lovato.

“Soon, just be patient,” he tells me with the same usual smile.  I groan but then nod my head in agreement.

Soon the van pulls up to my apartment building and Niall and I walk out of the van and into the building.  We walk into the elevator pressing the floor and going up to mine and Jessica’s flat.

“Do you guys ever plan on going home?” I ask him and he shrugs.

“We want to spend as much time with you as we can before we have to leave,” Niall says with a slight blush evident on his cheeks.

“You mean so Louis can spend time with Jessica,” I correct him, but he shakes his head.

“No, we all want to see you too, even Louis does,” Niall tells me and I shrug.

“You think he actually likes me as a person or do you think that he’s just acting for Jessica’s sake?” I ask Niall.  He turns towards me as we walk towards the door to my flat, Niall shrugs.

“I guess the only one who knows is Louis,” he tells me and I feel a little hurt that there is even a slim possibility that Louis doesn’t actually like me.

“How will I ever know if he’s telling me the truth then?” I ask Niall.  I guess any normal person would know the answer to all these questions, but I just don’t.  I don’t interact with other people for a reason, I don’t want to be hurt so my people and social skills could probably use some work.

“I guess you’ll just have to trust him,” Niall tells me making it sound simple as can be.  I look at him confused to why he would say that to me, he knows how I am with trust.

“You know how I feel about that,” I tell him and he stops now noticing we are at the door to the flat.

“How Taylor, please tell me how you feel about that, because I’m confused where we stand,” Niall whisper pleads with me and I look up at his sad eyes.

“Well you’ll know when you tell me a little about your past.  I give you all this information on me Niall, I let you in places that I don’t let anyone but my sister, and it scares me that you have that much control over me.  It scares me that you are slowly bringing down all of my walls, yet yours seem to still be up.  I tell you everything about me, but you aren’t willing to share the same.  That hurts,” I tell him truthfully looking up into his eyes I recognize the hurt in his eyes I have experienced most of my life.

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