Chapter 6- beg for me Mr Alpha

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Pic of Taylor's outfit on side ^^^^^


Looking in my cupboard for something sexy but not to slutty because I'm having dinner with my parents, I wouldn't want them to embarrass me in front of everyone.


"Come in," I said to my closed door

"Hey sis," Amber said walking into my room, "so as you know Kyle is coming for dinner, and he said that he was bringing his beta paul..."

"And?" I said kind of annoyed

"Well, I was thinking that you and Paul would go great together!" She exclaimed with a bright smile while clapping her hands.

This obviously caused me to burst out laughing, "are you serious!" I said while wiping away tears.

"What's so funny, you're single and mateless and so is he! I don't see the problem," I could tell she was getting annoyed and I didn't feel like dealing with her right now.

"Okay okay, thanks Amber, I'll see how it goes." Which caused her to smile.

"Oh fantastic!" She said while walking out the door.

'Oh this should be interesting.' I thought to myself.


My outfit I chose was a long sleeve white shirt that had cut elbows and a pair of high waisted shorts (see pic on the side)
And my navy blue converse.

I rain to my bathroom and took a quick shower and then put my clothes on along with my wolf neckless I had gotten from Nora for my birthday.

I put on a light shade of makeup and keep my hair down and let it dry by itself. I put my shoes on and looked in the mirror and I think I looked pretty hot my dark brown hair went all the way up to my butt and my make up made my eyes pop.

Kyle better be ready for me. I'm going to make his life a living hell.


I was walking down the stairs when I smelt that amazing smell, and knew Kyle was here.

I could hear talking and the moving of plates and knifes and forks. 'Oh crap, I'm late.'

I entered our dining room and kept my head down, I didn't want to face Kyle.

"Hey sorry I'm late." I said while grabbing a plate and putting my food on it.

"Taylor, show some respect your Alpha is here along with Beta Paul. Don't be rude introduce yourself." My mother said to me in an annoyed voice.

'Fuck me.'

I looked up and got lost in Kyles beautiful eyes, I moved my eyes down his body to see he was wearing a skin tight t shirt that made his muscles look amazing, I moved my eyes further down to see him wearing normal jeans and on his jeans by this thigh was Ambers hand.

I quickly moved my eyes and looked at the man sitting across from him, I knew Beta Paul, I had seen him a few times at pack meetings and stuff he was quite young, only one year younger than Kyle he was 17. And quite good looking.

"Good evening alpha Kyle and beta Paul." I said looking back at my food.

"Evening Taylor, it's nice to see you again." his voice was so amazing! It made me get all hot and bothered.

"Evening," Paul said nodding his head.

"Oh so you two have met," my dad said pointing at Kyle and I.

'Oh shot! They don't know about the party!'

"Yeah we met at school, Amber introduced us." Kyle lied smoothly.


Dinner went better than expect I got seated next to paul and he was actually kind of funny. And I could tell Kyle was getting jealous from all the stares we were getting.

"Well thank you so much Mr and Mrs Andrews, dinner was lovely. Thank you for inviting us into your lovely home, I hope to see you both again soon," when he said the last part he looked at me, which caused my heart to leap.

"You are welcome, and please call me Shelly." my mom said giving him a hug.

Which caused me to growl! Like seriously that's my mom!

Everyone in the room turned and looked at me. Talk about awkward!

"Taylor!" My mother and sister said at the same time.

"I'm sorry I was just thinking about something that made me upset." I said while looking at Kyle and as I said the last part his face fell and his eyes held regret.

'Yeah suck it you moron!'

"Good night Taylor it was great to see you again, we should hang out some time." Paul said while giving me a hug goodbye

"Uh... yeah sure." I said hugging him back.

This caused Kyle to get extremely pissed, "We are leaving!" He boomed while gripping Paul's arm and pulling him outside.

"What was that all about." my dad asked looking rather confused.

"No idea." Amber said turning to me, "I knew you and Paul would hit it off!"

"Surre" I said dragging out the R, "I'm going upstairs, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

Once I got to my room I slammed the door and fell back against it and cried.





FAN 👊👊👊

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