Chapter 12-Party...

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"Nora plllleeeaaasseee!" I begged her.

"Tay! We are going to Miami in less than, what? 8 hours! We can't go to a party!" Nora said putting her hand on her hips.

"Oh please! When have you EVER turned down a party!?" I said giving her a 'are you serious' look.

"Fine that's not the reason.." She mumbled I think she didn't want me to hear, but I'm a werewolf bitch!

"Then what is it?!" I said giving her a concerned look.

"Kylesgoingtobethere!" Woah way to fast!

"Nora I may be a werewolf but I still didn't understand what you just said."

"Kyle is going to be there." she winced and so did I.

"So? Screw him!" I said flipping my hair over my shoulder, we were currently in Nora's bright pink room, almost everything in her room is pink, her bed is a light pink pastel color and her couch is a shocking pink, she has a wide screen tv by the couch and a desk just opposite her bed.

"Are you sure?" She whispered giving me a look of pity, I seriously hate it when people give me that look.

"Yes! I'm not going to let him ruin my life! And why should I?" I said shrugging.

"Good on you!" She said giving me a bone crushing hug, "okay! Now for the most important part! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO WEAR?!" She screamed making my ears ring.

"Dude ouch! Well I was thinking this?" I said showing her what I packed.

"Oh my god!! YES!" She said grabbing her iPod and putting on some upbeat song.

After about 2 hours of dancing, showering, drinking, putting on make-up and doing our hair, we were finally done and ready to party, it was 10pm, by now everyone should be there.

"Woah!" Nora said when she looked at me. I was wearing my badge bra (pic on side) and had a black suit jacket from my dad's cupboard, I was wearing black booty shorts and bright red stilettos, my make-up was bright red lips and smokey dark eyes. I buttoned up the bottom button so my bra was only showing a little but you could tell I was just wearing a bra and not a shirt. YOLO right?

"Nora speak for yourself." I said to her, she was wearing tiny denim short shorts, a white crop top that showed off her pink belly ring. Her lips are bright pink, obviously and her eyes are done a light shade. And she had bright pink stilettos.

"Well tonight we are single' and sexy!" She said swaying her hips which caused use both to laugh, "now you sexy mofo let's do this! Let's take that beautiful Ferrari of yours!!" She said while we grabbed our bags and phones.

She grabbed our half drunken cheap champaign and handed me mine, "to one of the best nights of our lives!" And with that we clinked our drinks.


When we arrived at the party it was crazy! People were dancing on the roof and I heard the splashing of water, so people were defiantly swimming. There was even a guy handing upside down tied to a rope from the roof, you could see he was passed out. Poor guy. Couples were everywhere making out and there was even one couple dry humping on the lawn!

"Nora, check it out!" I said pointing to the couple who were dry humping. Nora looked and burst out laughing and so did I.

We carried on walking to the house when a group of guys surrounded us, now this is what I'm talking about. We ended you speaking to them for about 10 minutes before Dave showed up and took us inside.

Inside was 10 times more crazy than outside, there was a huge dance floor where there was 100-150 teenagers dancing, there were people upstairs having sex (werewolf hearing), there were people in every corner hooking up and people playing drinking games and I saw a guy throwing up, GROSS!

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