Chapter 29- Crap.

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Zack's POV.


Where is the light?!

I'm trapped in a small dark room, when I put my hand in front of my face I can't see it, that's how dark it is.

I need to find the light, I need to get back to my beautiful mate and our soon to be baby.

I don't know how long I've been sleeping for but I can't take it anymore.

I'm going crazy!

Soon I'll wake up, and I'll be with my mate again, and that's a promise.

Taylor's POVl

I hardly got any sleep last night, I was worrying about Zack.

I have probably only gotten 2 hours of sleep, when Kyle dragged me to bed last night the first thing I did was brush my teeth.

It was 6am and Kyle was fast asleep.

"Kyle I'm going to go and check up on Nora." I said unwrapping myself from his tight hold.

"Nooo." He moaned trying to pull me back into bed but I dodged his hands.

"I'll be back." I giggled.

I slipped on my bunny slippers and ran out the door to the infirmary.

I opened the door and saw Nora still asleep, I went over to their bed and sat on the empty seat.

I put my head in my hands, this was all my fault, if I hadn't of called them to come help, Zack wouldn't be in this condition.

I heard the sheets start to move and saw that Nora was waking up.

"Nora." I whispered.

"Hmm." she groaned then opened her eyes.

She looked at me in shock and shot out of bed.

"Taylor?" She asked confused.

"Yea." I smiled and waved at her.

"Oh my god! Taylor!" She yelled jumping into my arms. "Are you alright? What happened? When did you get back? Was it scary in there? Oh my god! I'm so happy your okay." she said squeezing the life out of me.

"Woah, to many questions, keep your voice down there are people in her trying to sleep." I whispered.

"Oh right, Oops." she giggled putting a hand over her mouth, at least her mind was off Zack for a few minutes.

I looked at her and noticed something was different, I sniffed the air and caught a weird smell, it almost smelt like something new.

I looked closer at Nora and then looked down at her belly, it was still flat but I could hear another heart beat, if I'm correct werewolves don't have two hearts.

That could only mean one thing.

"YOUR PREGNANT!" I yelled by mistake.

"Shhh." she looked startled.

She pulled me outside the infirmary and into the back yard.

"How did you know?" She said putting her arms around her stomach.

"I could smell it and I can hear another heart beat inside of you, it's actually pretty creepy." I smiled.

"But werewolves are only supposed to know if another werewolf is pregnant after 3 weeks, and I've only been pregnant for 2." she looked at me shocked.

"Well I guess that something that came with being a white wolf." I mumbled.

"Truuueeee... what exactly can you do?" She asked.

"I'm not entirely sure yet, all I know is I'm immune to silver, when they were injecting stuff into us to make us weak-when I was kidnapped- it didn't do anything but make me sleep and I can tell if someone is pregnant." I shrugged.

"Woah! Your immune to SILVER!" She yelled.

"Apparently." I said putting a hand over her mouth.

"Ew! When last did you shower!" She said scrunching up her noise.

"Seriously." I deadpanned. "I've been kidnapped for about a week, and when I got home last night it was 1am and I wanted to see you and then I woke up first thing this morning to come and see you, sorry if I haven't had time to bathe myself."

"Let me guess you are starting your period soon." she said putting her hands over her chest.

"What?!" I said looking at her seriously.

"Yeah I mean your extra snappy and moody, so I think it's that time of the mouth for you sweety." She said patting my shoulder.

"I seriously want to rip your head off right now." I snapped jokingly.

"Seeeee." she laughed pointing at me.

"Hey when's the last time you showered?" I asked.

"I guess same as you." she mumbled looking sad.

"Nora, go shower, I want to speak to Zack." I said with a smiled.

"O-okay." she said giving me a sad smile.

I walked her inside and then we went our separate ways.

I walked into the infirmary to where Zack was unconscious.

I looked down at him and he looked pale.

"Hey Zack." I mumbled. "We miss you buddy. Please wake up, your mate is pregnant and she needs you. I hope that you can hear me. You need you to push through. You are such an amazing guy, and Nora is so lucky you have you."

I was crying now, I was scared my best friends mate wasn't going to wake up, I was scared because I've heard stories about what it's like to loose your mate, and I don't want my best friend to go through with that kind of pain.

'Taylor?' My wolf said.

'Yeah?' I asked.

'We can heal him.' she said.

'Wait what?!'

'But it's going to take a great deal of strength, so you need to be prepared, because you might pass out or vomit.' she warned.

'So what?! I don't care.' I laughed.

'Oh and there is another thing..' She said


'You might loose me forever. So that means no more shifting, no more talking to me, you won't have the mate bond with Kyle anymore...' she whispered.

'No no no! That can't happen!'

'It can there is a 90% chance it could happen, but its for your best friend.' she shrugged like it's no big deal.

'C-can't we just see if he wakes up?!' I asked.

'Chances are he'll never wake up. He is very much dead right now.' she whimpered.



Lol sorry cliffhanger!




All these votes and reads are really making my whole day!

I'm going to make a goal!

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If I get that I'll update 😁

Laters Baby.

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