Chapter 2- shopping

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The rest of the day went by super fast and before I knew it, it was the end of the day and Nora and I were chilling in the car park making plans for my birthday on Friday! But before that I was in detention for an hour and Nora had swimming so we made a plan to meet up.

"Okay so you're inviting EVERYONE" she said making hand gestures. Nora was the more social one between the two of us.

"Yes yes, god my mom is going to kill me," I said putting my hand on my forehead, I was already in trouble for being late this morning. If we wreck the house I'm going to be grounded for life.

"Seriously, your house is fucking HUGE!" she said giving me a weird face. "Yes I know but still, what if people get out of hand and vomit everywhere? Or what happens if someone breaks something?" I said, "you know my mom she is a crazy person." I gave her a straight face.

"Nothing like that is going to happen. And if it does then we'll sort it out when it happens." She just chuckled and pushed me, "your mom really isn't as crazy as you say she is. Besides your dad and mom aren't even going to be here on Friday." she said jumping up and down.

"Would you just calm down," I said while laughing, "you're more excited for my birthday than I am."

"I'm just excited for you. It also gives us an excuse to party! I hope you find your mate! That would be so amazing, then you could double date with Zack and I," Zack is her mate.

"Hmm that's true, it will be fun. I'm not putting too much pressure on the whole mate thing anyway." I said thinking about how it could be kind of complicated with a mate.

"Hmm, well I'm sure he'll be hot! I mean you're HOT so he'll most probably be just as hot!" she exclaimed and I just rolled my eyes

"So anyway the party, I have to invite my sister," I said

"Agg, your sister hates me. For no reason!" she said looking annoyed.

"Well you stole her brand new shoes and ran around with them outside and got them all full of mud," she just rolled her eyes at my comment.

"Still that was like 8 years ago, I was like 10 then! I would expect her to move on." she mumbled.

"Well I'll ask her to invite some of her friends and I'll invite the whole pack and some people from school." I said thinking about who I should invite.

"Sounds good to me, how are we going to get the booze!" she said rubbing her hands together in an evil way.

"Haha, I'll ask Amber to get for us," I said, quickly writing up a message to send to her.

"Okay cool," she said looking at her phone.

"What you are you typing?" I said trying to look at her phone. "Okay well I just wrote a message about your party, here look," she said handing me the phone, it said..

Party on Friday

Host- Taylor Andrews

18th birthday

Bring your own booze, if not bring money there will be a cash bar.

Theme- Casual

Times - 9:30- whenever

"Yes that looks good! Parties are so stressful for no reason." I said feeling nervous and both excited.

"Don't be nervous! I'm going to send a mass text to the pack teenagers and people in our grade! This is going to be the biggest party of the year!" Nora yelled.

"I know! I just hope it goes well." I said biting my thumb nail out of habit.

"Stop doing that!" Nora said slapping my hand out of my mouth, "Oh my god, I almost forgot! We have to go shopping!" she said pulling me to her car, completely ignoring my nervous state.

"Aggg." I groaned, I did not feel like going shopping after such a long day.


"OMG! This will look great on you!" Nora said holding up a very short black dress with an open back.

"Hmm, just give it here and I'll try it on." I said taking the dress, I had to be honest it does look like my style, the material was like a very tight fabric and had lace going down the sides that would show off some skin.

I had a few things in my hands to try on, so I went to the change rooms with Nora hot on my heels.

I put the black dress on and was completely shocked! It fit me like a glove the lace showed off just enough skin, the dress came up to my mid thigh and the back of the dress showed off my whole back, the fabric around my chest pushed up my boobs to show off some cleavage. If I had to rate how hot I looked in this dress it would be an 11/10, and I promise I'm not vain.

I walked out of the change room to show Nora and once she saw me it looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her skull! "Oh my fuck!" she half screamed as she ran up to me.

I just laughed, "does it look oka-" I was cut off by a few wolf whistles, my head shot up to see about four guys standing in the front of the shop staring at me. They were from the pack so I knew them instantly.

"Does that answer your question!" Nora looked at me with a huge smile on her face. I blushed, "okay I'll get it." I was super excited right now. I wanted Friday to come now. Now that the outfit was all sorted, the decorations needed to be bought, as well as the alcohol. Amber better help me out on that one.

Taylors dress on the side -->

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