Chapter 30- wolf or no wolf?

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The picture on the side is really cool because it kind of looks like Taylor and she's the Luna and there are wolves around her 🌸 LOL

Dave's POV. (Someone asked for his POV)

I'm so in love.

It's not easy to put into words but every time I'm with her I feel like my whole day is just going to be so much easier. I've always dreamed of finding my mate.

But I gave up hope, then I went to Miami and found this beautiful creature.

I was so happy that I went on the trip.

I was a little regretful that i had sex with Taylor but it's not like it was my first time, I had sex when i was like 15 because I was horny as fuck.

But then I told my mate about Taylor and she was cool with it! Like how amazing is she.

We were currently in Miami visiting her family.

"Babe?" Abby asked walking inside our room.

"Yeah?" I said sitting up because I was laying down on the bed.

"Have you checked your phone recently?" She asked looking down at her phone.

"No, why?" I asked grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I haven't been on my phone for the past two weeks we've been in Miami.

"Well there is some serious shit going down in the pack house." she said looking at me with worry and sorrow.

Taylor's POV

'Angel!' I screamed in my head.

I was still unconscious, and I couldn't reach my wolf! No no no! This can't be happening.

I let out a whimper, 'Angel please come back! I love you! I need you!' I cried

I feel like I'm losing my mind, I feel like I'm in a dark room inside my head and I can't get out! I'm trapped.

'Angel!' I screamed into the void.

'Taylor?' Someone said.

'Angel is that you?!' I asked.

'No baby it's me Kyle, babe you need to wake up, we are all worried about you.' he said.

'B-but I can't find Angel.' I whimpered.

'I know baby, come wake up now.' he said in a soothing voice.

'N-no, I have to find Angel.' I said cutting off the mind link.

I was holding onto that one shred of hope that I would find her, I mean I could still mind link which is a good sign.

In the distance of the darkness I could see a white light, I ran towards it and fell to my knees when I saw it was Angel.

'Angel?' I whimpered.

'Taylor?' She looked at me confused.

'Yes its me, are you okay?' I asked.

'Yes? Did we save him?' She asked referring to Zack.

'I'm not sure, I've been unconscious.' I stated.

'Well wake up.' she said.

'Wait does this mean your back?'

'I'm not sure, but you have to wake up in order to know.' she smiled her wolfly grin.

I ran up to her and gave her a hug, it was weird because this was all happening in my head. 'Please don't leave.'

'I'll try not to.' she whispered back.

My mate is my sisters boyfriend.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon