Chapter 33- ...

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3 years later

Taylor's POV

It's been 3 years, 3 wonderful years. Kyle and I have been through so much, it's made us stronger and closer.

Last year Kyle got sent to a pack to help out and I haven't seen him since. It's been horrible. Sure we've Skyped and talk on the phone but it's not the same.

I don't know when he's coming back. I've been so depressed I don't know what to do with myself, Nora and Abby have tried to cheer me up, but I just drown myself studies, you see I'm in university now.

Nora and Abby aren't in university they decided there wasn't a point, they wanted to help around the pack and be close with their mates.

Kyle is struggling because he's helping the Moon Dust pack, they were attacked by rogues 1 year ago, that's why he went, and they've kept him there to try and help, I was so angry when he told me he would be staying there for long, I even smashed my phone I was so angry.

You may ask why I don't go and just visit him, well he's all the way in South Africa, yup far I know.

I've wanted to go and visit but I'm helping Paul look after the pack. At 21 it's not that easy, I have to study all the time and make sure everything is running smoothly in the pack.

Now I live in a sorority only 10 minutes away from the pack house so it was easy to drive back and forth incase I was needed.

"Yoh T!" Bella a girl from my sorority yelled from downstairs.

I heard her walk up the stairs and made her way towards my room where I was studying. I wanted to become a psychologist so I could help people with their problems and such.

My sister is now living in Europe with her mate and she has two kids, twins to be exact, when she found out about Kyle and I, she was shocked and apologized like a million times, I forgave her and all is good with us, she told me I was going to be a good Luna someday, we see each other often whenever she comes and visits.

"T, are you coming tonight?" Bella asked, she was standing in my doorway in her undies and she had curlers in her hair.

"What's happening tonight?" I asked looking up from my text book.

"It's Bill's party, duh." She said giving me a serious expression.

"Oh right." I laughed, Bella, Bill and I were close friends, they were humans. "Uh, maybe I'll come.."

"You have to! Bill is depending on both of us to come, he wants us to bring the whole sorority." She said sitting on my bed.

"Fine I'll come for a little bit." I sighed and closed my text book.

"Finally!" She groaned, you know in high school when I was all party party, well now I'm all study study. Weird right.

"Shut up." I laughed.

"You have an hour to get ready." She said exiting my room.

I chose this time to FaceTime Kyle.

After a few rings he picked up.

"Hey baby." He smiled, God he looked beautiful, he had stubble along his jaw and looked sexier than ever.

"Hey." I smiled. I put the phone against some text books so I didn't have to hold the phone well I got ready for the party.

"What you up to babe?" He asked.

I walked over to my closet and spoke from there, "getting ready for a party."

"Woah, Taylor is actually going to a party." He mocked.

"Yes dumb ass, I actually go to those things." I said giving him a playful glare.

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