Chapter 6: The Hunters (Part 4/4)

Start from the beginning

          He smiled, respect keeping his friendly demeanor up as he gave the halls a nervous glance. "My lady, forgive me, but could you tell me what you need my help for?"

          "Can you make a sound block enchantment Mr. Hazel?"

          "Of course my lady."

          "Good." Vera slowed her pace as they came to a maze of hallways. There were a few spots in Cobalt that barely saw traffic, riddled with dead ends and tiny rooms that passed as study spots. She smiled at the large painting of a black timberwolf adorning a dead end ahead of her. "You have two jobs." She raised one finger at Mr. Hazel. "If anyone asks why you're standing around here, my father ordered you to check the integrity of Cobalt's enchantments." She raised a second finger after Mr. Hazel's cautious nod. "And when I walk through that hall, you'll put up a sound block enchantment, and take it down exactly one minute later."

          "Of course my lady," Mr. Hazel replied, the nerves already piling up as sweat on his brow. Her father had likely hired him because such orders from her would make him stumble. Luckily this plan didn't demand much tact from his side. "You still haven't answered my question... what are you doing?"

          She put on a wicked grin. "Improving our political relations with Alta Staar."


           Káel slapped his pillow in a vain attempt to make it softer. It was one of the stiff cushions from whatever lounge Lightwood had raided, but the blanket, oddly enough, looked to be from a dorm room.

          He had sprawled himself across the table like a ritual sacrifice to find some sleep - the wood grinding against his spine might as well have been a slab of stone. Between the lack of a mattress and eyeing the door whenever something creaked, he had barely gotten a wink of sleep.

          Instead of freedom, his homework had been delivered with breakfast. Mr. Greine had put on a habit of visiting hourly, and Káel was eager for the response on his latest request. He bounced his leg as a distraction from the call of nature, blanket over his head as he sifted through the few pages of homework he had been gifted.

          He looked at the first question, texting into his phone and waiting.

          "Are you snatching answers from classmates?" Stella chimed, perching on Puff's head as he snoozed in a little curled up ball at Káel's side.

          It's not 'snatching' if they give it to you. Káel thought, sinking his screen further under the blankets so Stella couldn't answer her question. He quickly scribbled down the answer Phantom provided him, fingers flying to push the next question on his friend when Stella's voice rang from above. "That is incorrect."


          "Your answer is off."

          Káel furrowed his brow, going back to Phantom's contact.



You gave me the wrong answer.

Oh? You mean you actually understood the question enough to know that? Or did someone just point it out?

Phantom ):< 

Try to do your homework, then I'll help you, I'm a little busy right now.

          Káel sighed, feeling smart as his fingers flew across the screen.

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