Chapter 9: Buttons and Trouble (Part 4/4)

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I wished everyone happy Monday and proceeded to die for over a year

I'd say that's a pretty accurate depiction of a Monday


          The air was sweet with another victory for the silver house, most of the Obliteration  Ball team making their way back together with bags and paddle-blades in tow. Although Káel had far from carried any part of the game, he had been struck out a lot less than the norm, and even managed a few scores that had Sev impressed. 

          Jalev had softened up a lot more to post-game chatter with him after his incident with Buckethead, the result of a strange badge of respect he had earned from a little over half the team. 

          Jalev swung his arm around Káel's shoulder. "You hear Sev when you took a hit for Aivrey?" Sev cooed, dipping his voice to mock Sev's tone. "Don't be a hedgebird Aeric, save those theatrics for theatre class." 

          Káel snorted, trying his best impression at Sev as well. "Break the tie Aeric, not their noses."

          They both felt a new set of arms rest around their shoulders, Sev leaning in to the conversation as they both stiffened like boards. They'd thought he was still at the arena helping pack up, not silently closing in from behind. "Twenty laps before next practice Brum. And fifteen for Aeric, enjoy the winning goal discount."

          Jalev and Káel sighed, watching their coach carve off ahead with the usual sprig of victory to his walk.

          "I'd say we ought to make Cursimian a special commendation. Didn't see a single green try to tackle you the whole match." Aivry chimed, pulling the two boys out of disappointment as she joined their side. "Say, Aeric you coming to the pre-semi's celebration? I hear Alta Staar knows how to throw a party."

          "Can't say I've really got my uncle's level of experience, but I might pop by for an hour... When is it?"

           "This weekend. All the teams are gonna be there, little pre-game mingle before things get serious. But you won't have to worry about Senegal."

           "Got the boot after attacking Strylaz." Jalev chuckled, 

          "Unfortunately, his schedule is packed tighter than a dragon's coffer." Truvius cut in, popping up beside Jalev with Puff's mascot gear in tow. Sora was still a few steps behind them, but Káel could definitely hear her struggling with collecting all the ribbons Truvius was dropping. "He's got training with Lightwood and Vienta, few papers, check in with Skyfell, and a lot of studying to do."

          Káel gave Aivrey a disappointed nod of agreement.

          "Sounds a lot less fun than being with your team." Aivrey chimed, getting a couple murmurs of agreement. 

          "I mean if he finishes everything early he might have a good thirty minutes to swing by." Sora called.

          "If you change your mind." Aivrey said, pressing a piece of paper into Káel's hand. "You can even bring your secretary as a plus one," she teased, paying Truvius' frown a little smile as she passed them all to make her way out of the forest.

          "We won't stay out past curfew." Jalev added, sliding his arm off Káel with a farewell pat as he followed Aivrey out. 

          Truvius looked over his shoulder at Sora, the two of them knowingly raising their eyebrows before adjusting their pace to take either side of him. 

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