Chapter 5: Cursimian Roulette (Part 2/5)

Start from the beginning

          The presence of a third guest made Káel less reluctant to see what they had tracked him down for. There was a slightly smaller hat blocking her eyeline, and her black hair was pooling over her shoulders, but Káel was pretty sure she was Ms. Elleanoire, the representative of the Garaean Empire. 

          He parted ways with Truvius and Puff, taking the shade of the wall they were near while Ms. Elleanoire gave him a Fairez Stellan salute. She was in the same crested uniform that she'd worn in Samanthra's office, but despite the military attire, there was an hearthy warmth in her smile when she saw the exhaustion hugging Káel. "The stars are quite unkind this far leftwind." 

          "The heat?" Káel chuckled as she nodded. "Yeah, sucks. Could definitely use some snow right about now."

          "I hear Frigusilvrum is trapped in a snow burst that's burying houses right now," Mr. Skyfell said, spurring a laugh from Elleanoire as the two of them ignored a frown pricking Ariabella's lips.

          "Perhaps there is some exaggeration there, but I am still happy to be skipping the heart of winter in the empire," Ms. Elleanoire added, accepting a draw-stringed black sack that Mr. Skyfell had removed from his bag. "I don't intend to keep you from your game." she continued, holding out the gift for Káel to accept. "The Garaean Empire extends its warmest welcome, His Majesty has instructed me to personally deliver this token of friendship. The jar inside is for Cursimian, it is the same premium polish we regularly use on his other half."

          "Thanks..." Káel replied, letting Ariabella grab the package from him as he forced himself to hold Ms. Elleanoire's gaze. "I didn't know we were doing presents, is there something his Majesty would like?"

          Before Ms. Elleanoire's confusion could turn into something else, Ariabella stepped up, pressing her hand into the nape of Káel's neck for him to bow with her. "What Prince Aeric means to say is that Alta Staar is grateful for Grimm's token, please send our regards that it was well received."

          Ariabella only loosened her hold when Ms. Elleanoire and Mr. Skyfell said their goodbyes to join the guest stands, her entire body relaxing as the risk of Káel straining anymore political relationships slipped away. She paid the few students near them a few fleeting glances before opening the bag and shoving her hand inside.

          Káel watched her rummage through the gift, swiftly pulling a silver trimmed envelope from the bag and shoving it in her pocket before thrusting the package back at him. He didn't bother asking what that was about, Ariabella looked ready to bite the head off of any stupid questions that floated by her.

          "Pardon me if this may come across as rude Prince Aeric, but there is rarely any interesting on the ground, so why does it constantly draw your attention?"

          Káel took the jab with a frown. He'd been staring at the wall for the most part, now Ariabella was just nitpicking. "You're in a good mood, Rudas beat you already?"

          Ariabella's shoulders rose, eyes darkening as she read between the lines. "I see." She fixed her hat, its flushed red illy fitted to the icy stare she gave Káel. "You are mistaken." 

          Káel pressed his lips, cursing his blind trust of Skyfell for the umpteenth time. "So you're winning the case?"

          She shook her head, paying little attention to Káel's sigh. "The idea that wars are only fought on battlefields is where fools show themselves. Rudas will prove his case before the Council, but he has not beaten me." She gave Káel a skim with a twitch of disappointment. "But it certainly looks as if he's beaten you."

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